Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 1 December 2010

Wednesday 1 December 2010

}Patience and Trust{

This is the first day of Advent in the Christian calendar, in anticipation of celebrating the Incarnation.

Astrologically it is tough, as was yesterday, the |stressful or difficult third of this week|. The moon today is also in the Via Combusta, and we are in a Dark Epoch, so this could be considered a triple-witching day. Yet there are positive indications. Things may improve slowly into the evening. I would be extra-patient with myself and everyone, because things which seem bollixed up and troublesome are probably not as bad as they look; so just waiting, while attending to major necessities, is better than trying to correct things frantically, in most cases.

There is a desire to commandeer your thinking, resources, and friendships for a noble purpose, and you can master more than you realize. You reach toward those at a distance as well as those near. People are better than they appear. They even mask or hide their good intentions, so as not to boast. Heartfelt communion with a friend could happen as the moon is sextile Mars in the evening.

A large building could get your attention; there is something "double" about it. It has had its stresses, or suffered violence, yet is connected with friends or links to potential friends. Giving in to what has already happened is a form of magic, for it reorients you successfully. Fitful efforts do not avail so it is well to focus on something solidly rather than vacillate.

Your resources are adequate, even though you have to spend more than you like. You are getting control of proposed travel possibilities and of your household situation. When you need to rest, rest is good, for it leads your mind back to what is essential while refreshing you. You have loved and lost, and a lost love is far from you physically. Yet there is good fortune in pondering this individual, or getting in touch one way or another. What has been seemingly lost in the relation is still somehow a part of you.

Someone who speaks to large groups or teaches could be a friend. He works the magic of transformation in people when they submit to his influence. You get rewards, from either sex, when you are loyal. Opportunities in the background are long-term, not ripe for immediate picking. Your capacities are bright and clear, appreciated by those who cultivate them in you.

The moon in the Via Combusta can be loss of faith or of morale. "What am I doing here?" Reading the Bible or other scripture of your faith could be the answer. You care about certain people, and perhaps animals; you can give them support materially or otherwise. They may depend on you yet it is mutual dependence at a deeper level. There could be danger of loss through carelessness. It is well to remain alert: interested in duties.

All is not bleak; Venus has good aspects. Fresh love seems trying to awaken. Loving hearts are not absent even if distant. Those of foreign backgrounds may be good for you, secretly wanting your companionship or to confide in you. Friendliness promotes self-expression. Yet we remain in the |hard third of the week, at least emotionally|. The strifes and quarrels we see daily in the media, usually on the other side of the world, symbolize a need to respect and promote oneself even while living harmoniously with others. Something which, in the final analysis, can be done.

{Wednesday} {Patience and Trust}

Cosmic Piper

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