Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 2 December 2010

Thursday 2 December 2010

~Endeavors Fortified through Substantiating Mystery~

Stability and purpose will help you rise beyond a feeling that you have failed a "ruler" or in modern terms someone above you in a hierarchy. You can keep mastering processes when they seem at a standstill. It is well to appreciate things of beauty, which can be intellectual and technological, while they last so that whatever is immortal in them may be retained.

Abandoning projects, or procrastinating, will not help you. Looking at a building which inspires lends stability to your endeavors. Those without vision would destroy what has been built, while those with vision commemorate it.

Feminine powers and graces are evident or detectable while the moon is with Venus in Scorpio. If I said "wiles" that might be sexist! Right at home there is romantic impetus and reciprocity.

Considering international matters, you hope for resolution and healing. Meeting with those from other countries is tantamount to visiting those locales. Broader vision is cultivated in a place where people rub elbows.

Women are playing a strong role. They sense the balance and justice in whatever is at issue, yet their strategies can be assertive. Someone you like is looking for answers or reconciliations, and could be open to firm direction from you. Work and friendship blend somehow.

Continuity in your endeavors pulls your home and workplace into one headquarters, as it were. Anyone who slanders has missed the boat, that is, the vessel crossing the waters of confusion to the shore of mutual understanding. The one slandered, rather than becoming infamous, may become famous and the slanderer infamous. Your own ambitions are sustained when you hold on to them, enjoy your quest for excellence and success, and realize you make your own luck.

Thinking of a parent, grandparent or other ancestor, whether gone from this world or not, could open you to penetrating insight. The past lives in you. Or this might be a friend, gone from this world or in it yet "lost."

Your present desires are not lost on some, that is, are detected or smelled. This could be momentarily embarrassing, then strengthening when you field whatever secrets spill out with strength and grace.

Transitions are inchoate, burgeoning, indefinable as yet. So you are suspended in unbelief or partial belief until things clarify. You could proceed to clarify them by invoking angelic assistance. Who the Angel is is of course a secret.

{Thursday} ~Endeavors Fortified through Substantiating Mystery~

Cosmic Piper

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