Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 23 December 2010

Thursday 23 December 2010

*Balance and Liberty Within Unaccountable Change*

Change is in the air in a larger way than usual, as if all the indecision and desire for change of this month of December were reaching a point of culmination. Things hang in the balance.

Glory and sublimity throb through your ambitions and associations. Large things or groups give you surety because they reflect certainties you can rely on. You assume a foremost position, partly by appreciating the superiority of others with whom you assemble.

Your fortunes are in flux, and you almost enjoy that, as if seeking your fortune were more interesting than attaining it. If some prospects seem mysteriously to come to an end, when you had hoped in them, there is no reason to despair. Everywhere you look, someone, a little bird or other clue, sings to you of what is possible.

People have been struggling mentally to encompass revolutionary change, or bring it about. The START treaty and the end of "don't ask don't tell" are examples. People want safety but realize that security requires constant readjustment to changing realities. There are delays (Mercury retrograde) but hesitation allows one to go deeper before choosing. Then there is finesse in the way relevant interests are balanced.

Vitality belongs to you in surprising ways because you have researched ways of enhancing it (I would say more through action and exercise than through diet, although that plays a role). What you have found through study and observation is something others rely on. You are avid in experimenting with life. The resources you need turn up.

Many think about traveling East. There is question about the advisability of this and the answer is not evident. Your aspirations are high and you want to be in the right place to realize them. You are independent of all, in a spiritual sense, yet to embody the Divine you need to shape your hopes and actions in accord with social and economic realities, which you can certainly do. That in itself is a form of magic.

There is an erotic or sexual side to the day, with Venus prominent and well-aspected. Indeed her sextile with Mars continues, although starting to fade--that does not mean it cannot be strong at times. There is a voluptuous or sensuously inviting factor afoot. Whether that leads to something good or to wrecked hopes and abandoned inclinations remains to be seen. Women are likely to feel self-sufficient and so resist the very tide just pointed out, though using it to their advantage. Men are well-acquainted with that stratagem. When both sexes feel self-sufficient they may increase their allure for each other, yet part in good will.

{Thursday} *Balance and Liberty Within Unaccountable Change*

Cosmic Piper

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