Friday, December 24, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 25 December 2010

Saturday 25 December 2010

\The Human Comedy/

Giving up to the process of things can be such a relief. Then the stress and strife are over. This would appear to be a day for that.

I remember when as a kid I got a chemistry set for Christmas and it was a thrill. I was a promising experimentalist. I wonder how many kids are like that today, with the moon in Virgo trine Capricorn planets--wanting not just to play but to learn, discover and experiment. There is also the endless diversion of turning things upside down and around, looking at life from fresh angles, which is something kids (and adults) love about Christmas. There are plentiful cheer and animal spirits. (It is somehow appropriate that the deeper spiritual side of Christmas comes on the 24th, the more secular and pagan on the 25th.)

There is always a bit of contention when people get together, symbolized today by Mercury retrograde still in square with Jupiter and Uranus, so that differing opinions will out. What's a little genial argument among friends? Some will settle down to more humble labors, and find that in seclusion they are serving the world (or, preferably, G*d, since the two do not always coincide). Everyone wants to be popular, so all perform stunts for the humanistic angels (borderline devils).

Those who are faithful and just in their work tend to be faithful and just to friends. A tentative approach to fulfillment is glorified, a willingness to try this and that and wait for the ultimate choice or program, happily undetermined. Rebellious urges wanting to change the government are present in many, for the government always needs to be changed (!) as history would indicate, so changed it shall be---but not yet! The flag of revolution blows in the wind powerless but riveting.

Hospitality implies being hospitable to the weaknesses and foibles of those enjoying the hospitality. So it has an element of pragmatic fellow-feeling. Then, at times, there is a need to mobilize dramatically, to cut out nonsense for the sake of the group's welfare. People get up and straighten things out. Then, when alone again in mind, brilliant insights arrive which each cherishes without speaking.

But the pugnacious side of the day: Many have been thinking critically about sundry things and want to express their dissatisfaction. Without dissatisfaction there would be no urge toward improvement. So, out with the criticism. If taken in the right spirit, such bitching or kvetching is constructive. If there were not an apprehension that things could be better, why complain? So if there is complaint (by modus tollens or some such logical trick) there is an apprehension that things could be better. The Rock of the Ages, whose birth we purportedly celebrate, knows how to make them better. So from complaint submitted to Truth emerges an idealistic vision of glorious potentials.

There are jealousies in people, and secret desires for revenge. They could be harmlessly mischievous, as in children, or calculatedly malicious as in teenagers and too many adults. Maybe it is time to look toward the elderly who at least in theory have had time to develop wisdom. Children sometimes instinctively do this, even the dreaded teenagers. Grandpa and Grandma seem secure and easy because they understand even if they mildly disapprove. Yet the younger want their version of justice immediately so tend to be more severe in their whims.

And the human comedy goes on.

{Saturday} /The Human Comedy\

Cosmic Piper

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