Thursday, December 2, 2010

Forecast for Friday 3 December 2010

Friday 3 December 2010

~Depth Manifest~

Those who create beauty are around you, though they suffer from want of recognition or recompense. Whether in the visual or other arts, they know their work is work whether seen or not. They have no choice but to give in to destiny when it seems to turn against them, yet continue to make possibly immortal contributions.

There is vitality in the work you do at headquarters, as if you had uncovered a boundless source of illumination and useful knowledge leading to skill. It might seem easy at times, then becomes difficult, then natural. It seems there is no end to the variety of what you can accomplish. It radiates its own resplendence and magnetic attraction.

Those who are lazy and eat too much may plague you at times. Also you feel annoyed by someone from another region whose affections seem fickle or duplicitous. He or she is playing the fool, trusting to a majesty which may be as fickle as his or her affections. Eventually things circle back to where they were and the aftertaste of the game is not as thrilling as its foretaste.

Venus and Mars flirt with a sextile which is not consummated! This was called "refranation" by the ancient astrologers, that is, the two planets seem to be forming an aspect but then "refrain" from doing so. The two lovers are closest to their shared happiness in the middle of December, which continues more or less until the middle of January. Since this is a Dark Hermetic Epoch we may expect that much uncertain and changeable amour will come and go whether in marriage, another relationship, or romantic intrigues. Nobody seems to know where it is going or how to direct it. It has a sensual side, amoral, and at other times or in other folk a responsible "married couple" side. Adjustments are made continually. Today they seem comfortable and pleasant.

Finances will seem to be moving in a positive direction, for many or most, although with a sense of fate or letting things be. The direction East may be significant for your fortunes. Someone near you either at work or at home is daring in exhibiting his or her libido. This could be surprising and inconsequential yet edifying for morale.

You consider deep things of enormous magnitude which come from your soul itself. You are finding out what is in you. It spills thrillingly into your possessions, home, and career, showing the world what motivates and moves you and what you are made of.

{Friday} ~Depth Manifest~

Cosmic Piper

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