Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 10 November 2010

Wednesday 10 November 2010

\Gradual Upliftment/

The |morose or painful or serious third of this week| remains with us until around noon on Thursday, but should be easier today than Tuesday. There are stronger uplifting influences. Interestingly, where I am Tuesday was the first day of snow and what seemed like winter. You will find, if you watch these |difficult thirds of the week| as I point them out, that often the most inclement weather falls within them. That is for anywhere on the globe, although naturally it is different for each region, but a statistical reliability for all of them. Statistical means, there are times when it does not work that way, but more times when it does. There is generally more precipitation during these times (though of course not every time), which obviously is good for feeding us, if not for having a picnic.

You can expect more than you expect, that is, if you heighten your expectation of what life might give you you will get more. This is not without work or payment, but what you do convinces those close to you that you are a person of substance and worthy.

Clear thinking is easier than it has been for the past week or so. Moods have been affecting your thoughts. This is still true but less so. You can lift yourself up and try again with whatever you are trying to do, for that heightens your individuality and your value to yourself. You are prepared to meet those on the other side of any conflict or disagreement and need not shrink from that. You are strong enough for it, and it strengthens you further.

A small group you live or work within is cultivating your social skills. This can be through somewhat sensuous indulgence part of the time, enjoying yourselves together when you can "let your hair down." People need that kind of easy-going intimacy even if it is always inadequate. What would be adequate?

The sun's squares with Neptune often bring about a feeling of lassitude or inwardness, not wrong, for it is a need of the soul, which can only be satisfied through something spiritual rather than material.

An easier thing is to slip into conventionality, readily available conversations based on repeating things you already know. But that is okay when it "breaks the ice." Something in you wants to stand up for people or ideals you believe in, and you can do that with panache. You are consistent in defending those who are allied with you. As for those who are not allied, you can at least hint to them what you think.

You remain yourself, unaffected by the tides of nature and humanity, the witness Purusha in Hindu terms, yet you can participate in human desires and activities for the sake of others if not yourself.

Yet there is gloom. This has a good purpose. It makes you thoughtful, reflective, open to deeper impulsions from within which can rectify whatever is unhelpful in your living. Pondering things deeply or praying makes you feel better, oriented to eternity rather than the moment, and then you are happier with people also when (not always) it is well to communicate with them. Such communications are likely to be of a deep nature.

{Wednesday} /Gradual Upliftment\

Cosmic Piper

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