Friday, November 4, 2016

Forecast for Saturday, Sunday, and Week Ahead (November 5-11, 2016)

Week of Saturday 5 through Friday 11 November, 2016

\Bless Jove!/

Saturday 5 November 2016

Moon in Capricorn   ***

Sunday 6 November 2016

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:58a PT | 4:58a ET | 9:58a UT   ** /
until it enters Aquarius at 5:56a PT | 8:56a ET | 1:56p UT   ****
(correction has been made for standard time, no longer DST)

I don't know about you, but I feel somehow my life is on hold until the election results are in. After looking at this week's chart, I do believe that Hillary is favored astrologically and otherwise, yet it ain't over till it's over. I hope I will be breathing a sigh of relief late Tuesday.

The complications we have been facing seem to be diminishing, with the intense T square in cardinal signs releasing its intensity. Further, something remarkable: The planets have been in a "bucket" pattern, with Uranus as handle planet, for a long time (except when periodically the moon changes that), but now this week for the first time the opposition between Uranus and Jupiter is within ten degrees exactly and so the chart is now a bowl pattern, with Jupiter rather than Uranus in high focus. This means a lot! In a word, it is better, since Uranus retrograde in Aries harshly aspected has been something like a sore thumb. Jupiter is the "greater benefic" planet and so in high focus it is magnificent, and in Libra it is, as I have mentioned several times, shining kindly upon relationships, romance, and beauty (as well as helpful legal matters when necessary). We can rejoice in this. 

And that it is happening just now in Election Week is specially fortuitous. Aries is the male sign and Donald Trump has been a sort of paradigm of what can go wrong with the male genetic code. That is appropriate because he has Uranus in high focus in his own birth chart! But now Uranus, and therefore Aries, has been removed as the dominant factor in the pattern, and Jupiter in Libra, ruled by Venus, takes its strong place just as we are about to elect (I hope) the first female President of the U. S.! When one sees things like this one can only laugh merrily at the critics of astrology. They have no idea what a glorious party they are missing.

Another remarkable factor is that Pluto has been at point focus in a T square, and now that is the only T square in the heavens, and focused on Pluto the ruler of Scorpio, Hillary's sign, positioned in Capricorn the natural 10th house sign, house of the king, queen, ruler, or dominant figure in any setup. So we will be electing, I hope, a Pluto personage to "rule" (no!) us at this time. Fortunately since we have semi-democracy we no longer have despotic monarchs but the astrological symbolism is the same: the highest executive officer of a nation is its 10th house personified (the house at the top of the chart, where the sun is at noon). 

So all this fits together remarkably, and on top of that, the moon in the weekly chart is right with Pluto, within five degrees; it is a female orb, basically, though it has male characteristics as well (or males have moon characteristics as well) so we have a female Pluto personage coming to power! 

If the voters should upend this prospect, I of course will be chagrined, and yes like many would wish I could move to New Zealand or Australia. 

As for your personal life this week: Yes, things do look better. That is, with your ordinary plans, habits, skills and self-control you should be able to navigate more smoothly and happily than you have in quite a few weeks. 

The weekend advances, and I wish to enjoy some of it, so think I will leave things at this pass for now, but of course will be writing daily reports beginning with Monday's.

{Saturday, Sunday, Coming Week}  \Bless Jove!/

Cosmic Piper

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