Thursday, November 17, 2016

Forecast for Friday 18 November 2016

Friday 18 November 2016

~Allegiances Uplifted~

Moon in Cancer-->Leo   ***
/ moon goes void-of-course at 2:04p PT | 5:04p ET | 10:04p UT   ** /
until it enters Leo at 7:16p PT | 10:16p ET | 3:16a(Sa) UT   ***

Astrologers do not have an easy life. They know they are onto something incredible, but have a hard time making clear to anyone exactly what it is. At last they may feel that they have accomplished their life mission at least somewhat, albeit imperfectly. Such were Marc Edmund Jones, Isabel Hickey, Al Morrison, and Eleanor Bach among those known to me personally; and C. E. O. Carter and Grant Lewi (and many others) among those I never met. Truly unsung heroes and heroines. 

Are some individuals revengeful and treacherous? No doubt, though fortunately they are a tiny minority. If we relax our vigilance we could be their victims. Constant prayer is a way to eliminate their ill-effects---not just "Please protect me, Lord," though that is fine and proper, but also "Thank You for protecting me in the past." 

Some individuals have an impact upon us which is extraordinary--many actors and actresses, musicians, writers, athletes.  At a higher level are invisible beings, including those commonly termed "angels," who attune us to universal harmonies and awaken us to hidden potentials.

We can cultivate allegiances, develop affecting and uplifting contacts with multiple beings human and otherwise. The symbol is "The king of the fairies approaching his domain." It is possible to take the initiative rather than merely wait passively. Sometimes we recur to old relationships or friendships in a circling manner which is reassuring. 

We love freedom, but find ourselves in bonds, even if only the bonds we wrap around ourselves in order to complete a mission. So what would escape be? Not escape from our destined task, surely! If we are prone to abortive enterprises, we can learn to abandon or revise them so they do not waste energy, and seek wisdom to choose effective or uplifting paths.  (The uplifting is also ultimately effective.)

Self-indulgence and flattery (even if only flattery of oneself) can lead to trouble in love affairs, stemming partly from multiple infatuations. Where do we look for security? Toward something solid and lasting, "a cross carved in stone haloed in divine light." This is not the all-too-human but the divine love. It does not abrogate but edifies the human. 

{Friday}  ~Allegiances Uplifted~

Cosmic Piper

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