Friday, November 25, 2016

Forecast for Week of Saturday November 26 -- Friday December 2, 2016

Week of Saturday 26 November through Friday 2 December

^Savvy Steadiness^

First, the data for Saturday and Sunday:
Saturday 26 December 2016

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon remains in the Via Combusta
/moon void-of-course   * / <
until it enters Scorpio at 0:03a PT | 3:03a ET | 8:03a UT   ** <

This should be a smoother day than Friday because although the moon remains in the < Via Combusta it is no longer / void-of-course.

Sunday 27 December 2016

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta   ** <
until 6:26a PT | 9:26a ET | 2:26p UT   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:49p PT | 4:49p ET | 9:49p UT   ** /

Week of Saturday 26 November through Friday 2 December 2016

Hunkering down to basics is a theme while the sun approaches Saturn. Life is not dreary, but requires a focus on realities. Further, there is much that is worthy of study or investigation in a serious manner.

Jupiter is in high focus, and the keyword for that is "Paternal" according to Marc Edmund Jones, who discovered the "high focus" phenomenon. Now this is interesting: This was also the case three weeks ago during the week of the election, and whereas "paternal" would suggest a preference for a male, I interpreted this as a win for Hillary because Jupiter is in Libra, ruled by Venus. However, the "paternal" side of things is what won (though not by the popular vote). Jupiter is the paterfamilias, though Mr. Trump be a peculiarly pampered-playboy sort of perverse paterfamilias. 

However, Jupiter is a benefic planet and wishes us well (whether in the person of the president-elect or otherwise) so we can take heart and listen to other guides than he, whom we have chosen for our gurus or teachers. Jupiter is the planet of the guru, in India, and of clerics (pastors) and professional counselors in Western astrology. We may find ourselves pushed into such roles, as well as honoring and learning a great deal from those who are naturally fitted for such roles---your guide, guru, chosen elder, teacher, pastor, rabbi, or whatnot. We all need Jupiter and he is out there in strong form now; and we all need to be Jupiter as well, coaching or guiding someone or other somehow or other.

Steadiness and industry are important this week. We can be "plodders," as suggested in Friday's report. We also have interests we want to broadcast to others, perhaps favored causes or beliefs we want to promote on the Internet or through speaking or writing. So there is an element of "I won't give up" in the approach to disseminating information or opinions about various matters. That applies to others also, and some such opinions may seem superficial, but that in turn is a matter of opinion. Symbolically, you hand out your pamphlet on the street in competition with others handing out pamphlets.

Who is your audience? You might imagine yourself as an orator. What would you be saying? Or if you were writing a book, what would be the topics? It could be worthwhile pondering such questions. What person, perhaps "dead" in appearance, would you choose to write or talk about, or extol? We owe so much to those who have passed on, and it is well to say so.

Psychic powers and brilliant gifts are with us in some form. This is very individual. You may exhibit such gifts among those who appear not to appreciate or understand what you say or do. They enjoy your presence and benefit from it but yield very little in terms of respect, admiration or appreciation. Take heart; that appears to have been the lot of prophets and teachers forever.

There is an element of wild or grotesque dancing, or sheer baseless exhilaration, at times. I am not one to condemn that! We care about long-lasting serious matters but we live in and for the day also and deserve some fun.

Uncertainty and trial are strong possibilities, or at least undercurrents. The sea is rough and we as skippers have to know our stuff to keep the vessel balanced and safe. Business may look better, then worse, then better again. It is wise to take the long view. For that purpose it helps to remember the past, that is, those symbols, stories and teachings from it which lend life and glory to the daily grind. Symbolic realities are indeed realities helping us cope with the more demanding ones.

Impatience is a danger, running off to heaven knows where in pursuit of heaven knows what. Comparing the body and lower self to a horse, we have to keep it saddled and bridled (much of the time and at crucial times). There is beauty around us, and secret beauty in both business and learning. We may want to capture it before it fades. This could be the impatience of raw desire, or a more balanced appreciation of human, artistic and natural beauty as a savvy connoisseur. 

{Week of Friday 26 November through Saturday 2 December}

Cosmic Piper

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