Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 23 November 2016

Wednesday 23 November 2016

}Beyond Shadows{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues
/moon void-of-course   * / |
until it enters Libra at 11:43a PT | 2:43p ET | 7:43p UT   ** |
|Difficult third of week| ends at 3:33p PT | 6:33p ET | 11:33p UT   ***

Politics is hard. I don't comment on it often here. Astrologers in general have not been great at predicting political outcomes. Of course there are exceptions, but often they are just flukes or luck. Actually a non-astrologer professor, Alan Lichtman (I think that's the right name), predicted Trump's victory better than any astrologer I know of. Also, the non-astrologer but clever philosopher Richard Rorty (passed on in 2007) wrote in a book published in the late '90s an amazing prediction of what is happening with Donald Trump---an exact prediction except that he did not know the year it would happen. So astrologers are not the only ones who can predict. But there seems no sure-fire way of knowing who really has the correct insight into the future---if there were, we would all be making millions on the stock market---or rather, if we all knew how to beat the market, nobody could beat it. 

So I confine myself to these reflections on the meaning of events as determined to a large degree by clairvoyants who have long since passed from this world. If you find them interesting, I am glad.

Wednesday: We look beyond shadows for truth. A quick and original mind is forceful. It sees into things as a recent unheralded physicist has seen into the mysteries of the hydrogen atom and is about to unleash upon the world a new source of energy which is almost without cost and without the dangers of nuclear power. His name is Randell Mills. 

Inspiration is a personal thing. Does it depend on distance? Or can it come at home? You can be at home sitting on a meditation pillow and also be in India or the Himalayas or wherever you wish. There is ecstasy when the youthful meets the established. 

The Mother-Goddesses of the world are real, and they are reflections, into multiple traditions and minds, of the one real Mother Who is the ParaPrakritii in Hindu terms. If you want to associate Her also with the Mary of the Roman Catholics, that is fine by me.  She is alive and well, protecting still Her people whether in the nation of Trump, Putin, or Modi. If she blinked at the power of these human officials she would not be The Mother. She is the goddess of mercy, and is enthroned.

Intelligence and gentleness combined are insuperable. We see the combination more often in non-politicians than politicians, so that it appears the politicians are merely bubbles blown by the elect. Steady industry may be called plodding by those who feel superior to it, yet it upholds the human world, and those in lavish penthouses could not be there were it not for the daily labor of the minimum-wage workers. Do they forget this?

Children amusing themselves through made-up games, sometimes solitarily, sometimes with others, may seem to be doing nothing. I wonder. Something is going on. It is said that even ants and bees know how to play and that every animal does, at times. 

What is the difference between transcendental powers and efficient formulas? Do we know the difference? Are Internet or technology wizards any different from the wizards of old times? We need two heads, each of us, or two brains, the left and right; as digital miracles require two foundation digits, 0 and 1. Marriage requires two heads, and the alchemical marriage probably more than two. Vibration is vibration between poles, and the source of energy. To what end? "Beyond the shadows" is the clairvoyant's answer. 

{Wednesday} {Beyond Shadows}

Cosmic Piper

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