Monday, November 28, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 29 November 2016

Tuesday 29 November 2016

^New Moon of Practical Wisdom^

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Wednesday evening)   ** |
New Moon of Sagittarius occurs at 4:19a PT | 7:19a ET | 12:19p UT

The |difficult third|, although thoroughly researched and absolutely valid, does not deny good things from happening. It just means that they are colored with a serious patina and imbued with an ethical or moral slant which mostly denies sheer effervescent partying. 

You may feel you are giving more than you are getting. The public benefits from your efforts, but does not give much in return. It is time, then, to reaffirm that the laws of karma, or of Divine Justice to put it in Western terms, will always give you what you have earned. If the payback seems delayed, what of that? 

People can be colorful, even disorderly, in a good way which brings out the carnival swirl of living. If you feel you are losing your reason, perhaps you need to quiet down and ask for Divine Order to re-establish itself in consciousness.

Driving or traveling is subject to strange incidents, as if you had forgotten where you were going. Yet in your mind you keep coming back to the "businessman" or "businesswoman" side of yourself, which focuses on solid undeniable accomplishment. The other side of you which wants pure escape can be indulged subjectively more than objectively.

You may want to express yourself in a public way, through a career outlet which shows you are competent at stating what is significant. This requires definition of purpose and incisiveness. Cutting out a line for yourself requires arduous yet rewarding effort.

You have discovered pretty amazing things, which are in fact prodigious. Why is it that people in general seem uninterested, or seize upon your insights without giving you anything in return, such as at least recognition? You need to remember your duties to yourself as well. Fulfilling those enables you to help those dependent on you.

{Tuesday}  ^New Moon of Practical Wisdom^

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Did anybody notice that the violence in Columbus, Ohio at Ohio State University today occurred while the moon was void-of-course and in Scorpio, the sign of death? (Apology to Scorpio people: It is much more than "the sign of death" but that is something contained in it, as it were, to be transformed into something more positive.) The void-of-course periods can be times when people "lose it" or feel that nothing is working and therefore that they might as well end it all. They can also be times when some who are maladjusted feel that no one else is entitled to live, because all are evil, or something of that sort, which is probably what the smasher-slasher was feeling. "They are all wrong, everything is wrong, all are evil, I will make a statement by killing or hurting at least some of them and that will make me righteous." Or something like that. Of course it doesn't work, which is the danger of the void-of-course periods: Adopting a plan which is destined to failure from the beginning. That does not mean that everything is destined to such failure during those periods, but that there is a heightened danger of falling into such a mistaken agenda. 

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