Monday, November 28, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 29 November 2011

Tuesday 29 November 2011

}Settling Into Place for Now{

There is idealism, intensity, and deep thought, with the moon in Aquarius while the sun and Mercury remain in Sagittarius. Mercury retrograde helps you probe more deeply into things than usual, so that you might appear absent-minded outwardly. Your mind may be absent from the material world but not from the ideal one.

The possibly angry or quarrelsome nature of the sun's square with Mars, near its peak, could come out at work or at home, but need not be vengeful. You might be petty about things, or see others as petty, and wish to make your point. That point, someone else may feel, is drawing blood.

But the energy this aspect gives can be ambitious, so you can turn it into getting things done, especially those already under way. New projects would probably be disastrous, unless they grow out of old ones naturally and without force or upset.

Some have a gift for being cheerful even when they are losing in life's game, and they are a boon to the rest of us who moan and suffer too much over things which turn out later to be unimportant. A spirit of gamesmanship could be healthy, while the |difficult third of this week| winds down, ending at 6:19p PT | 9:19p ET | 2:29a(W) UT. (I notice that no one corrected me on yesterday's report when I inadvertently typed "2:29a(Tu) UT" which would have made no sense because the earlier times were for Tuesday in the Western Hemisphere. This leads me to wonder if anyone ever uses these times or notices them. I do, so I shall continue to post them with the reports and I hope a few of you pay attention because they can be very helpful.)

You can be happy doing things alone, behind the windows from which you view the world, when they are meaningful to you, even if you sometimes ponder on absent friends.

Stormy kinds of weather, either literally or in your feelings, stimulate you to transform your thoughts or actions in positive directions in order to meet the exciting conditions with competence.

Stuff at a distance involving correcting someone, or being corrected, comes up. Getting the trivial stuff straight helps, giving you more freedom in other things.

Steadiness and industry are good because they anchor you to the situation in which you are and must be for now. That is your basis for everything else which might develop. You can remain content with your lot (a virtue and a felicity hardly ever appreciated in a materialistic restless culture).

Your mind expands by peering into the future, visualizing what you can do or express or enjoy or appreciate. You find the past in the future and the future in the past, or they dance together in your wondering present (presence). And so the contentment (of the previous paragraph) and the "future" orientation (of this one) find harmony with each other.

Someone is hospitable toward you. This person has rigid habits but is generous to you and others who enter her or his domain. The spirit of Thanksgiving has not faded.

{Tuesday} {Settling into Place for Now}

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. You bet I keep an eye on those times given, Piper. But, I only worry about my time zone. :)
