Thursday, November 3, 2011

Forecast for Friday 4 November 2011

Friday 4 November 2011

~Reassuring Turning Point~

A lot of thinking is happening, and a lot of deep stuff that is beyond thinking. People are regrasping their orientations to life.
The stability you want in your life could be as hard as rock, because you are learning to trust yourself and your intuition. (Though from my theistic perspective, "in-tuition" is tuition from the Supreme One, not from "ourselves" limited as we are. Any other viewpoint would be to me extreme arrogance.) Since the Dark Hermetic Epoch (for two months or until late in the day on December 31) begins tomorrow, this is our last day to set in stone, as it were, our major decisions, choices, schedules and agendas for the near future.

You may be sensitive and impulsive in regard to home life and also study which uplifts you. You flirt with mild danger a bit, because you feel confident that you can circumvent it as you go along.

Friendship and adventure could be wonderful. You go where you feel like going and everything confirms that changes happening are good and that you proceed through life with happy company around you.

Visual arts turn up as meaningful, whether you dabble in them yourself (or perhaps are a professional) or notice carefully and elegantly drawn products of others. Architecture both domestic and foreign could be fascinating.

There seems to be a fresh beginning of things, heartily reassuring. (The Dark Epoch inaugurated tomorrow does not mean nothing new can begin, but that it is wise to let new things be experimental rather than relied upon as lasting for a long time. It is a phase for tentative new projects, and sticking with established ones, rather than for deciding on major new ones.) You relax a bit, feeling that your grip on the future is secure. Therefore you are not in a hurry, and can hold back prudently while developing inwardly and outwardly your skills, perhaps subconsciously even more than consciously.

{Friday} ~Reassuring Turning Point~

Cosmic Piper

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