Friday, November 18, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 19 November 2011

Saturday 19 November 2011

\Fairytale Project/

One's "place in the world" is indicated by the 10th house of the horoscope, in which the Part of Fortune sails today. This means you care about what you are doing, what your life is all about, your profession or career, or if unemployed or retired, your projects. Further, you care about the overseer or Overseer of all that---if you do not know G*d, you have no real ultimate overseer. So you will have to make do with shifting allegiances and temporary subjection to employers or clients. This is the house which asks from us honor and integrity.

There could be a reclusive trend, so that you can find internal spiritual security. Perhaps nothing in the outer world can give this; yet for myself, Scripture or holy or sacred writings--and what they reveal or inspire--never fail me.

Another trend, seemingly contrary, is to enjoy popularity with someone and cultivate it, which makes you feel better about yourself in every way. This is linked somehow, but not in a heavy way, with the careers or projects of both of you.

You are tightly involved with your impressions and highly sensitive. (The sun square Neptune is part of this.) Therefore you react deeply to everything you see or hear or what is said to you or around you. You are impressionable or mediumistic. This can be a benefit if you are able to use such feelings and perceptions to open your ability to help or be kind to someone or, as in paragraph 2, link with your deeper self.

There is an adventurous and relaxed quality even to projects you want to carry on with, or shared attempts to get something done in a mutually beneficial, jovial way.

Those with no financial worries (as the stars of Gossip Girl) may relax into fantastic fairytale perceptions, hopes, and projects. Those who are financially tight may do the same though with less extravagance and therefore more ingenuity.

Harsher trends (such as the sun moving to a square with Mars) are present, which could erupt in contention, strife, and litigation or conversation about it. Sometimes people cannot separate their eccentricities from their political or other opinions. If wise, you will rise above such incidents when they occur and try to find the point of trust and ease beyond the anger, which is a signal of underlying fear or anxiety.

{Saturday} /Fairytale Project\

Cosmic Piper

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