Friday, November 11, 2011

Forecast for Saturday 12 November 2011

Saturday 12 November 2011

}Easy-Going Links to Destiny{

Action remains important as a manifestation of your sense of home and security. That is, doing what makes you feel right with the world while at home. Partnership remains a focus needing attention. What are relationships made of? They are being tested.

Robert de Luce says of Mars opposing Neptune (still with us), "only spiritual means can be used effectively to overcome the troubles, dangers and adverse forces which this aspect will bring." It teaches "reliance upon Divine protection." Spiritual study is the most effective way (for mental individuals such as those likely to read these forecasts) to invoke Divine protection. Even in churches and synagogues, the recitation of Scripture is the most important part of what goes on.

Mars is now in Virgo, until July 3. This is a very long time, because Mars will turn retrograde in that sign. Its retrograde period happens only every two and a half years or so. Then it goes to the other side of the earth from the sun, so appears to us to oppose the sun. Its presence in Virgo grants a perspicuous attention to details and a willingness to work. No doubt it will correlate to changes in the labor market all over the world, as they develop in response to global economic necessities. Re-(retrograde)-developing "human resources" as they are so oddly called (as if human beings were coal or soil) will be on the agenda, that is, job retraining for many. We will also see changes in police and military jobs; re-deployment.

There is a flair for variety in your work today, Saturday, and also Sunday. (The rest of this forecast applies to both days.) You want to try various things. You might focus on a hobby or two.

Love relationships are mixed up with mental orientation or information while Venus and Mercury sail along together. One focus is domestic: whoever you live with or near. Another is more professional: study of what will make you better at what you do. Both avenues of activity are enjoyable and fruitful. You approach them with a light touch, easygoing and adaptable.

A straightforward quality is good. You feel you can meet the world honestly. Therefore, with optimism, generosity, and nothing to hide, you feel comfortable with yourself and others. There is also a flirtatious tendency, but held within limits because you are aware of the fateful quality in relationships or possible relationships. You sense "the end from the beginning" and so are careful and, let us hope, wise.

{Saturday} {Easy-Going Links to Destiny}

Cosmic Piper

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