Friday, June 21, 2024

Message for Week of June 22-29, 2024 ~Self-Discovery~

Message for Week of June 22-29, 2024


The ascendant is enveloped in gloom and blackness,

But devoting energies to spirituality brings comfort.

Wandering in circles, some lives resemble helical

Scrolls. Projects and imaginings lead back to themselves.


One whose life resembles a large granite building

Does great deeds handed down to posterity, and lives 

Long. Another sits at a desk and writes in a large

Ledger. His commercial pursuits are practical.


Out by the seashore, shellfish are groping and children

Playing. What emerges? Self-discovery. 

A table is set for an evening meal. Familia

Gratifications open out to revealing potentials.


Through a living apostolic succession, all

Seek illumination via self-dedication.


{Week of June 22-29} ~Self-Discovery~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 22: Moon in Capricorn

Sunday 23: Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius

Moon enters Aquarius at 8:15p PT | 11:15p ET | 3:15a(M) UT 

/ moon void-of-course for just 8 minutes before that

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