Sunday, June 16, 2024

Message for Monday 17 June ~Fruitfulness~

Message for Monday 17 June 2024


A man declared bankrupt is seeking new paths

Of opportunity. Affairs at a point of futility are

Ripe for deliverance. Relationships shall converge

In smoother patterns. The Samaritan woman who met


Jesus at a well had an instinct for higher things 

Than a dissipated life. He awakened her to the value

Of striving for them unpretentiously.

She invited her townspeople to hear the Master, 


As if watering flowering shrubs, awakening in

Them the spiritual beauty they thinly veiled. 

Summer is here. A fruited vine hangs upon

An old wall beneath the sunshine. Sympathies


And strong attachments flourish, with good marriages,

Lasting loyalties, devotion, contentment, fruitfulness.


{Monday} ~Fruitfulness~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

< moon remains in the Via Combusta

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