Thursday, June 6, 2024

Message for Friday 7 June 2024 ~Mercurial~

Message for Friday 7 June 2024



The brood of a duck pond may be provincial, but

Their place in cosmic ordering is reliable. 

Not so the bull whom two men strive to hold

With ropes about his head. He is self-willed.


A woman covering her naked breast with her hai

Suffers blighted hopes, deserted and betrayed.

She latches on to studies, six subjects a day,

To reinforce a Mercurial orientation


Which, like an arrow flying, may or may not hit

Its mark. She cuts out her own line in life,

Relying on implicit resources, meeting with varied

Ethnic and national types. Two Chinese men 


Affirm their difference, speak their own language while

Working with her on a project of erudition.


{Friday} ~Mercurial~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:17a PT | 8:17a ET | 12:17p UT

until it enters Cancer at 5:42a PT | 8:42a ET | 12:42p UT

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 12:50p PT | 3:50p ET | 7:50p UT

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