Monday, June 10, 2024

Message for Tuesday 11 June 2024 ^Barn Dance^

Message for Tuesday 11 June 2024

^Barn Dance^

Monday's report covered this whole week until Saturday the 15th. If you didn't absorb it you might review it with profit. The "ordeal" nature of the week was evident to me on Monday (as I write) although some things are getting better. The heating problem I mentioned got worse before it got getter--six hours of intense steam heat I could not cut off--then a maintenance technician came and finally turned the monster off. New peculiarities of online investing turned up and were alarming until I could research them. Tuesday looks better, mainly because of the day's symbols, incorporated into this sonnet:

She feels empty within, and floating in an empty

Space. No plodding work for her! Is she weak, 

Or hypnotized by extraneous influences?

In front of her dallying feet appear steps up to


A lawn blooming with sweet clover. She reaches

Out in hopefulness, entrenched in beauty and


Sparrows chatter to each other in greenery or dustiness. 

Her vision connects also with jovial persons


On the lawn, happy in her company, given to luxury

And convivial pursuits. They saunter into a barn

Where fiddlers and drummers set the pace of the dance.

All are honest and spontaneous, on the dance floor or


The sidelines. There is happy give-and-take in an unplanned

Community, each freely consummating all others.

{Tuesday} ^Barn Dance^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Leo-->Virgo

/moon goes void-of-course at 12:18p PT | 3:18p ET | 7:18p UT

until it enters Virgo at 10:40p PT | 1:40a(W) ET | 5:40a(W) UT

The |Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week shall be with us Wednesday through Friday (longer than usual because of the moon's speed)

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