Monday, June 24, 2024

Message for Tuesday 25 June 2024 }Competence as Reward{

Message for Tuesday 25 June 2024

}Competence as Reward{

The major lunar aspect of the day, a square with Uranus, is impatient, and the symbols for the day concur.

A stranded vessel on a low, sandy beach is a sign of delays, yet there is no serious injury and so a new start is possible.

A bull tossing a man with its horns is on the defensive but also on the aggressive. His motto is, "What I can get is mine." We see this in warfare and politics.

An automobile wrecked by a train is not an inevitable happening because the driver if sufficiently cautious could prevent the accident. 

A man handling baggage is industrious and practical, helping others who are making adjustments in their living situations or travels. Competence is its own reward. There is joy in putting forth everyday effort.

{Tuesday} {Competence as Reward}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:31p PT | 6:31p ET | 10:31p UT

until it enters Pisces at 11:09p PT | 2:09a(W) ET 6:09a(W) UT

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