Sunday, June 23, 2024

Message for Monday 24 June 2024 }Worthy Choices{

Message for Monday 24 June 2024

}Worthy Choices{

Out of blankness nothing comes. Yet slowly

Geometric figures form, a square, then four

Squares. The source of things, and things, are

Mysterious. A mouse takes one square; a cat


Takes three. They argue. Can the mouse prevail?

Their mind-sets are foreign to each other, seeking

Justification. Out on the street, window-shoppers

Imagine what they could have, which really is


What they could be. Visualizing potentials

Quickens self-awareness and awakens choices.

It's summer. Around the roots of a wide-spreading

Oak are many new shoots. Above, birds


Sing in its branches. It gives shelter and

Comfort to kindred and strangers. Esteemed!


{Monday} {Worthy Choices}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius

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