Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Message for Thursday 13 June 2024 \Faith/

Message for Thursday 13 June 2024



A despondent man stands on a lonely plain,

Weeping. Lacking energy and moral courage,

He has given up the struggle of life. But several

Young men enter the scene, disputing with one


Another: Jealous, revengeful, quarrelsome.

Some with cudgels try to impress their opinions

Bodily. The lonely man is aroused. He walks and

Encounters a deer, who somehow reminds him of


A person with fine sensibilities, a lover of art and

Scientific research. Calm perspective and mild

Optimism are restored. Now above the trees

Appears a rainbow. His eyes follow its curve 


To the ground where there seems to be a pot

Of gold supplied by the universal matrix, faith.


Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of his week is at its peak around 1 p.m. PT | 4 p.m. ET, continuing until Friday evening 

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