Friday, June 28, 2024

Message for Week of June 29 - July 6, 2024 ~Warless World-Destiny~

Message for Week of June 29 - July 6, 2024

~Warless World-Destiny~

At the personal level, the good news is that Venus remains in a harmonious sextile with Mars throughout this holiday week. Romance and friendship. Both are also in good aspects with Saturn, making for loyalty among family and friends. 

Let's look at some of the symbols for the week as applied to the sun-sign charts of Biden, Scorpio; Trump, Gemini; and Kennedy, Capricorn.

Saturn in the first house for Biden suggests age and aa symbol is "an angel blowing a trumpet." A TRUMPet? "The Great Stone Face" is sculpted into the side of a mountain. Time for Biden to take his place in history?  But these two symbols appear in the 10th house of career for Gemini, Trump. He wants us to believe that his Trumpet is being blown by an angel. He thinks he is worthy of Mount Rushmore. 

There is nothing in Biden's (Scorpio's) 10th house of career, but in Trump's (Gemini's) we have, in addition to the two just mentioned, "a hand flexed with a very prominent thumb," keyword Determination, and "a king, emperor or commander on horseback." This is someone destined to command rather than obey. That is certainly what he thinks about himself.

In the first house for Kennedy, Capricorn, we have "a hollow tree trunk covered with moss; this is a romantic degree indicating someone who may be the last of his race." The third Kennedy aspiring to the presidency. I believe he could be, further, "a large star indicating a great genius whose home is the Western Hemisphere. The surrounding sky is dark" and Kennedy is in fact the only candidate who is brilliantly informed about history, medicine, the environment, crypto and blockchain, farming, and a multitude of other subjects a President should know. 

The symbols of the week are, of course for anyone who wishes to embody them. Are you "an elephant with sagacity, secrecy, and confidence in [your] own strength"? Or are you "an empty space," very weak and open to extraneous influences of any kind? Or you could be "a veiled statue," a student of what is great and lofty, fired with enthusiasm and vivid imagination. Then you could experience "the gradual unfoldment of the sublime and the glorious." 

"A fine silver thread is suspended to the earth from a labyrinth situated in the heavens." With patience, we could solve enigmatical problems or conundrums, solving the theorem of warless world-destiny.

Hovering over us, during the celebration of our nation's birth, is that "Great Stone Face" of our national ideals carved into our "purple mountain's majesty." May we be on our way to exemplifying it.

{Week of June 29 - July 6, 2024} ~Warless World-Destiny~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 29: Moon in Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:58p PT | 12:58a(Su) ET | 4:58a(Su) UT

Sunday 30: Moon in Aries and void-of-course (time above) until it enters Taurus at 5:01a PT | 8:01a ET | 12:01p PT

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