Monday, June 3, 2024

Message for Tuesday 4 June 2024 \Identity in Flux/

Message for Tuesday 4 June 2024

\Identity in Flux/

Is there a difference between being alone, being lonely, and being lonesome?

I'll wager two cents: Alone just means alone. Lonely means alone plus feeling sadly alone, uncompanioned and missing companionship. Lonesome can be that, but also can be a state of mind which actually welcomes being lonely (at least for a while), like someone sipping a drink at a bar who doesn't want a stranger to start a conversation. He is lonesome, wanting to be alone and even appreciating the melancholy of it. 

I just listened to a set of tunes concocted by Spotify for me based on my listening history and they were all lonesome songs, in a good way. Even AI, it seems, is responding to the sun-and-Venus-square-Saturn aspect at its peak this week. I've already described it: "Nobody loves me" or "I don't love anybody" or "I sure wish I knew what my purpose is because nothing seems to be going my way," and so on.

Maybe there are clues in the symbols for the day, compacted into a sonnet:


rapid inland stream, a narrow river, is turbulent.

A woman following it is shallow and self-willed.

She holds a bundle of faggots, her hair disordered by

The wind. She's versatile, eccentric, attempting too much


In confusion. Opportunities she has lost she regains

In imagination. Fluid maturity leads to

Reformulation. Two Dutch children are talking about

Their common background and skill-set, gaining a


Childlike clarification within everyday ease. 

One man observing them is intelligent but egoistic,

Dictatorial, precise without flexibility, a Goth.

Another observeis something else, a dark moving 


Column standing very high, content to enter a strangeand

Depart unknown. The children are rapt into his mystery.

{Tuesday} /Identity in Flux\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Taurus

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