Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Message for Thursday 20 June 2024 ^Sharing Secrets^

Message for Thursday 20 June 2024

^Sharing Secrets^

Loving and confiding, she is like a young tree, a

Sapling, bent by misplaced trust, growing awry.

Unaware of human weaknesses, she leans and is

Betrayed. But her consciousness of time is sharp.


She studies a large clock on a high place, with weights

Suspended, to gain a sense of how things develop.

She sees into cause and effect and now knows the

Secrets people hide from themselves. She publishes


Some of these, as if a bell clanged them out from

Her high boughs. Is she defaming people? Maybe

She's airing things out. Some friends who appreciate

Her sharing, as winter sets in, decorate her boughs


To make her a living Christmas tree. All symbolize

All and enjoyment becomes vicariously spiritual.


{Thursday} ^Sharing Secrets^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak about 9p PT | 12a(F) ET, and continues until early Saturday

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