Friday, June 7, 2024

Messages for Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9

Message for Saturday 8 June 2024


Two men turn the handle of a crane 

From which a chain is suspended, attached

By a hook to a large stone. This is no help

To a woman standing in an attitude of dejection,


Covering her naked breast with her hair, feeling

Deserted and betrayed. Their mechanical dynamics

Can't remove the weight of her sorrow. She walks

Around a duck pond observing its brood and their


Reliability in the cosmic scheme. Why not be

Complacent? Two men appear, well clad, one

Holding a white horse by the bridle. Are they

Discussing dreams and visions, pursuing strange


Studies? Should she make their acquaintance? 

Is their influence harmful or spiritually sound?


{Saturday} ~Influential~

Cosmic Piper 

Moon in Cancer

Message for Sunday 9 June 2024


A youth is throwing coins into a cup, 

Some mysterious game; or trying to beat the

Market to please his peculiar tastes and amusements.

Life is for him a cafeteria of the fullness 


Of requisition. There is ease of function and

Prodigality of resources, a generous supply. 

Quadrangular figures try to sum and elucidate

Intellectual structures of power-point reasoning


Presenting profound philosophy to an impressionable

Public. Out in the wild, one turns toward deeper

Sources of strength flowing illimitably in a clear

Mountain stream whose resourcefulness and purity


Hold to a consistency of self-expression gladly lent

To humans with fidelity to definite courses of action.


{Sunday} ^Resourcefulness^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer-->Leo

/moon goes void-of-course at 12:07p PT | 3:07p ET | 7:07p UT

until it enters Leo at 12:30p PT | 3:30p ET | 7:30p UT

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