Monday, June 17, 2024

Message for Tuesday 18 June 2024 ~Mockingbird~

Message for Tuesday 18 June 2024


A sleigh without snow is unseasonal,

Yet imagination supplies sustainment for prodigal 

Realities, alignment with unrealized possibilities.

A woman sitting with clothes disordered and hair


Unkempt is holding faded flowers, among them

Lilies and roses. Strong feelings plus a weak will

End in spoliation. She gazes on what seems 

The invisible side of the moon, and develops


Powers unknown to ordinary humans. As a 

Moon-set magician she is not insane, yet very

Strange. Don't try to understand her. 

Rather, open your doors and listen with her for


The first mockingbird in spring, whose imitation 

Is vicarious participation in self-revelation. 


{Tuesday} ~Mockingbird~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

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