Thursday, June 27, 2024

Message for Friday 28 June 2024 ^Rakish Charlatan^

Message for Friday 28 June 2024

^Rakish Charlatan^

A man muffled up, with a rakish silk hat,

Dramatizes himself in a sophisticated way

With the superb aplomb of recaptured youth.

But some young people attracted to him


Seem like doves fallen to the ground, over them

A snake poised in an attitude of attack.

Secret attachments lead toward seduction. 

On the cushion of a throne, a dog lies asleep.


He holds offices for which he is not by nature

Qualified, a usurper and charlatan; spiteful.

Yet he is drawn to the spiritual life, however he

Might misconceive it. He attends churches highly


Ornate, with their feasts, fasts and festivals.

One day he may merit the priesthood he mimes.


{Friday} ^Rakish Charlatan^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

Moon enters Aries at 1:53a PT | 4:53a ET

it is in Pisces before that, and void-of-course for only 7 minutes before entering Aries

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