Friday, June 14, 2024

Message for Week of June 15-22, 2024 }Speculation{

Message for Week of June 15-22, 2024


Many years ago I decided that the week begins on Saturday rather than Sunday. I have developed weekly charts on that basis. Now it seems to me that Saturday is a transition day partaking of the nature of both weeks. 

This coming week is smoother than the last several, which I have labeled "ordeals." The heavy squares to Saturn are replaced by heavy squares to Neptune, which are more congenial. The downside is that they correlate to escapism, whether drugs or alcohol or watching TV or movies or various dissipations. The up side is that they can confer spiritual awareness, even to the level of saintliness or angelhood. It is good to read scriptures and other spiritual writings and to pray and meditate. 

The harmonious, romantic sextile between Venus and Mars increases through the week. At the least this makes for greater friendliness. It is also good for prosperity.

A sonnet incorporating symbols from the week's chart:


Interminable quarreling with the nature of things?

Cat arguing with mouse? Trying for

Justification? There is hope for peace. Two swords

Form a cross on the ground; a man stands on them


Lifting a scepter toward a higher power. 

Another man of middle age watches over a 

Cradle, repining because he cannot totally 

Relieve another's suffering. Yet he owns a tract


Of land mapped with rails for a homestead. His

Speculation shall be successful, even to the point of

Drilling for oil and finding it. Risk opens 

New dimensions. Near his land on a beach


Bathing beauties disport themselves, radiant among

Their fellow humans. Desire sublimates to charm.


{Week of June 15-22} {Speculation}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 15: Moon in Libra

< moon enters the Via Combusta at 5:37p PT | 8:37p ET, until early Tuesday (cosmic reshuffling period; remain unruffled)

Sunday 16: Moon in Libra-->Scorpio

< moon remains in Via Combusta 

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:06 PT | 2:06a(M) ET

until it enters Scorpio at 11:39p PT | 2:39a(M) ET

Next week, the |Karmically heavy third| begins Wednesday evening and lasts through Friday

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