Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Message for Thursday 27 June 2024 ~From Fretfulness to Colorful Success~

Message for Thursday 27 June 2024

~From Fretfulness to Colorful Success~

As I write on Wednesday I am feeling the |karmic third| of this week as a lack of enthusiasm. This should reach its dismal peak Thursday morning and perhaps be slightly better at the time of the debate, 6p PT | 9p ET, then gone by Friday morning. The Kennedy campaign is going to try to do a "simulcast" of the CNN debate, but not quite "simul" because they will pause it after each reply by T and B to allow Kennedy to reply also. I hope that works out well. 9 pm ET, 6 pm PT, 

Symbols to say the unsayable:


Toys, and ornaments of glass and tinsel, are

Artificial, as is their owner, whose fretful and

Peevish disposition creates misery all around

Him. He might better go to the beach, where


Shellfish are groping and children are playing.

Self-discovery is the emergence of selfhood's

Liberating evolutionary self-sufficiency.  

Suspended from a bough is one large, ripe, 


Nicely-tinted apple, no other on the tree. 

One individual stands out, with no compeer.

Over a bunch of spring flowers is set a bright

Star, flashing and sparkling in a deep blue


Atmosphere. Success comes to one marrying into

An illustrious family devoted to nature and art.


{Thursday} ~From Fretfulness to Colorful Success~

Cosmic Piper

 Moon in Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak near 7:30a PT | 10:30a ET, lasting until Friday morning

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