Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Message for Wednesday 5 May 2024 }From Futility to Good Deeds{

Message for Wednesday 5 May 2024

}From Futility to Good Deeds{


Standing before a large disappointed audience, 

He sees he can't depend on it for self-approval.

He might as well be sitting on his heels, breaking

Stones with a hammer, laboring for little profit, or


Carrying a pitcher which falls, broken, with spilled

Fruit around it on the ground. Vanity, impotence!

A woman suffragist full of indignation harangues

All who will listen. Differing viewpoints tussle.


A Jewish high priest, wearing a breast-plate of twelve

Small squares, is devotional and reverential, capable

Of mighty deeds as a magician. He blesses a man

Who carries slates up a long ladder to tile the roof


Of the temple. Both are lovers of peace, promotive of good

Works such as benefit the community and the world.


{Wednesday} {From Futility to Good Deeds}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:10a PT | 4:10a ET | 8:10a UT

until it enters Gemini at 1:37a PT | 4:37a ET | 8:37a UT

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 8:19a PT | 11:19a ET | 3:19p UT (until Friday afternoon) 

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