Thursday, June 13, 2024

Message for Friday 14 June 2024 }Cultivation{

Message for Friday 14 June 2024


As a boy he played with balloons, injecting into them his

Breath or pumping them with helium. Later he ascended 

Under big ones in an attached basket. Remarkable

Feats, but summing to nothing, as he realized when


He saw his mother weeping at the open grave of his

Father. Life's transience requisitioned a 

Reorientation. He happened upon an old book

Lying on a table, beside it a burning lamp. 


Through close study in retirement he cultivated

His mind with treasures of ancient learning. Then

A cultivated tract of land fell to his lot, broad 

And open, reflecting his own geniality in rustic 


Beauty. Balloon-like space travel faded against the

Fruitfulness of a large family and plentiful friends.


{Friday} {Cultivation}

Cosmic Piper

On Thursday I see photos of people in south Florida wading through waist-deep flood waters. As diligently reported here, Wednesday through Friday are the |karmically difficult third| of this week, at its peak Thursday. As mentioned often, this frequently coincides with inclement weather. If not physically, then emotionally.

Moon in Virgo-->Libra

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:55a PT | 1:55p ET until it enters Libra at 11:13a PT | 2:13p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 11:54p PT | 2:54a(Sa) ET

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