Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Message for Wednesday 26 June 2024 ~Firmness of Character~

Message for Wednesday 26 June 2024

~Firmness of Character~

"A dagger lying beside a skull" could unhappily indicate what is going on in the world's war-weary trouble-spots. Or it could reflect anticipations of the "presidential" debates planned for tomorrow, Thursday. I'll be watching here: Therealdebate.com so I can hear what Bobby Kennedy has to say. He is the most informed, intelligent, and honest candidate. Sepharial says: "This person (us) will have to hold his passions in strong check or some fatality will surely come upon him." The keyword is Undoing. 

"A large building having a dull or somber appearance" indicates someone who will do a great deed which will be remembered, and will live to a ripe old age. Firmness of character. 

"A large tract of land mapped out and enclosed with posts and rails, intended for a farm and homestead in the near future" was a symbol included in the weekly sonnet. One has boundless resources and so can be an adventurer, accomplishing what one has proposed in speculation.

"Shellfish groping and children playing" is a symbol of Emergence. "On each separate level of being, the lower orders are preserved and the higher ones developed." "Self-discovery is the basic mode of greatereality."

{Wednesday} ~Firmness of Character~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week| is with us, at its peak Thursday morning and ending Friday morning

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