Thursday, June 20, 2024

Message for Friday 21 June 2024 ^Seasonal Beauty^

 Message for Friday 21 June 2024

^Seasonal Beauty^

In a greenhouse a man with a watering-can endeavors

To bring out the best in flowering shrubs. He devotes

Time and energy to culture their ineffable beauty.

A bulbous plant pushes its way upward from beneath


The sod, impelled by soul-force to show forth its

Beauty. The life-force in humans like it manifests

Strong will, a determination to be magnetic.

A woman in gaudy apparel, playing with jewels in her


Lap, is wasteful and extravagant yet gifted with savoir

Faire. She knows human nature and is good-hearted

Even if prone to outward show and semblances.

In time she becomes concerned about the extreme


Needs of others, and enlists to become a Red Cross

Nurse. She purchases toys fothe children's ward.


{Friday} ^Seasonal Beauty^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until 11:51p PT | 2:51a(Sa) ET | 6:51a(Sa) UT

/moon enters Capricorn at 4:10p PT | 7:10p ET, and is / void-of-course fojust 11 minutes before that

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