Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Message for Thursday 6 June 2024 }Veneration{

Message for Thursday 6 June 2024



The sick-chamber is gloomy but the horizon bright.

Affliction dissolves the head of health into the head

Of mentality. Boredom becomes comfort. Something

Spiritual is developing within conscious self-


Awareness. Yet getting up from bed one drops a pitcher

On the ground. Spilled fruit is a vain pursuit.

Rather, shoot an arrow into the sky; it's keen

Aspiration which may or mayn't attain its object.


More secure is a breast-plate containing twelve small

Squares, the High Priest's secret strength affording

Magical powers through reverence and devotion.

Echoing through his temple and through a neighboring


Cathedral, the song of a celestial choir gifts all with

Tones and overtones of veneration toward the Highest.


{Thursday} {Veneration}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

New Moon occurs at 5:39a PT | 8:39a ET | 12:39p UT

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week is at its peak today, ending in forenoon hours Friday. We need patience with all and with ourselves.

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