Monday, July 1, 2024

Message for Tuesday 2 July 2024 }Patience within Truth{

Message for Tuesday 2 July 2024

}Patience within Truth{

As for long-term trends, I gave a pretty accurate forecast of what is going on in the Presidential contest in last weekend's report. But another long-term trend deserves comment.

The Bright Hermetic Epoch of May 13 through July 16 is at its peak. A lot has happened. Things move quickly during the Bright Mercurial two-month Epochs. Will D J Trump be sentenced to prison on July 11? It seems unlikely, and most things have been breaking well for him during this Epoch. The Republican National Convention is July 15-18 in Milwaukee, spanning the end of a Bright and the beginning of a Dark Epoch. Then the Democratic Convention comes on August 19-23. This is the one which could be very very interesting because there is so much talk of Biden being replaced, and yet the extreme difficulty of doing that. "We shall see" is not a sharp astrological forecast but it may be the best I can do for now. However, the Dark Epoch is a tough one for "things as usual" so we may expect maneuvering, brokering and mayhem in Chicago in August. This is especially so because Mars and Venus will be in a square then, heightening discord on all fronts. They are, however, in a sextile, harmonizing aspect during the current Bright Epoch. What has been Joe Biden's mainstay? According to most accounts, his wife Jill, who appears expensively dressed on the cover of Vogue and convinced him that his debate performance was okay. How could Donald Trump also take advantage of the good Venus-Mars vibration? By choosing a female running mate, in my opinion, and my favorite is Tulsi Gabbard. Yet she does not appear on what people have been terming his "short list." 

For the Democrats in August: Expect the unexpected.

As for the Kennedy folks (I'm one of them): Will the mayhem play into Bobby's hands? We shall see.

Tuesday: There are fretful, gloomy and mournful indications, yet normal activities can be facilitated. One could appreciate a steady mind in the service of the cause of truth. Friendship is furthered smoothly.

{Tuesday}  {Patience within Truth}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:44a PT | 11:44a ET | 3:44p UT

until it enters Gemini at 8:51a PT | 11:51a ET | 3:51p UT

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