Monday, July 8, 2024

Message for Tuesday 9 July 2024 \Natural and Mental Treasure/

Message for Tuesday 9 July 2024

\Natural and Mental Treasure/

"Preservation" as a keyword has much significance. Joe Biden is trying to preserve his grip on power, come what may. "A jewelry shop" is a place or a state of mind in which one preserves whatever is of value. "The world at large has a kaleidoscopic capacity for producing and reproducing whatever an individual may require in the way of immediate realities with which to deal."

Less immediate yet profound realities are found in "a very old-looking book, having the appearance of an ancient record." Some love books, abstruse studies and profound thinking. They are more eager to absorb what others have essayed than to appear in print themselves.

"A sailing ship on a calm sea. The sails are all unreefed, and the masts decorated with a profusion of bunting." There is much happiness. "Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." There is honor, popularity, and the plaudits of the age in which one lives.

"A beautiful scene of the country, wherein all the elements conspire to enchant the eye and hold the spirit in a mood of silent adoration." We are susceptible to the influence of nature. We feel kind, devotional, attractive, sympathetic, patient and peaceful. We are open to the open country. Our elevated mind rejoices in harmony.

{Tuesday} /Natural and Mental Treasure\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Leo-->Virgo

/moon goes void-of-course Monday at 11:05p PT, Tuesday at 2:05a ET

until it enters Virgo at 6:49a PT | 9:49a ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 11:28a PT | 2:28p ET | 6:28p UT, reaching its peak Wednesday evening, and ending Friday morning

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