Friday, July 12, 2024

Message for Sunday 14 July 2024 ~Assurance~

Message for Sunday 14 July 2024


Time for some happy news. Venus and Jupiter began their favorable sextile aspect on Friday, it becomes exact a week from now on July 21, and ends by July 31. These are the two "benefic" planets. Whatever other challenges may be going on, there is a background of luxury, pleasure and harmony for the rest of July.

Sunday: A cat is on the watch for prey. This could be you or someone else. There is "diplomacy, suavity, self-restraint, and watchfulness." "A fast friend and unrelenting enemy." 

A meeting of a literary society is a venue for constructive criticism, and insight into the complexities of human nature and interaction. There could be "rigorous revaluation of private acts and attitudes." 

However, literature is also poetry and lyricism. "A Spaniard is serenading his senorita." "A poetry of living and a music of desire become the final touchstone for a true self-fulfillment." The keyword is Constancy. 

"A star surrounded with many rings" "is beyond the vision of the outer sense. One attuned to it need never be cast down. Thou wilt meet with trials, but fear not, 'Thy bread shall be given thee, and thy water is sure.'"

{Sunday} ~Assurance~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio

/moon is void-of-course 

until it enters Scorpio at 7:54a PT | 10:54a ET

< moon remains in the Via Combusta until Monday afternoon

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