Friday, July 5, 2024

Messages for Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July 2024

Messages for Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July 2024

Saturday 6: ~Confirmation~

"A hedgehog" symbolizes someone of a secretive but harmless disposition who shuns the public gaze and is on the defensive. 

"A horseman armed is moving across a desert toward some woody hills." He carries out designs conceived by himself without the companionship of others. He's venturesome and self-reliant, taciturn and self-contained, making his mark in a field of work requiring independence of spirit. The woody hills shall be a relief from the desert.

"A Hercules or Samson stands over a slain lion." There is tenacity and strength of purpose. Dangers are overcome. A softness or gentleness of manner is deceptive, for those who try to take advantage of this person will rue the day.

These favorable prognoses depend on one's knowing for sure what one is doing. "A finger is pointing in an open book." Those who depend on the Bible, or perchance the Bhagavad Gita or the I Ching, to guide them will find that just the right message turns up. It removes doubts and enhances fine discrimination. There is confirmation that one is on the right path.

{Saturday} ~Confirmation~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer-->Leo

Moon enters Leo at 8:57p PT | 11:57p ET, and is void-of-course for only 8 minutes before that

Sunday 7: ^Unfoldment^

"A shovel suspended in mid-air" suggests an agriculturist devoting time and energy to what is impracticable and profitless--digging in the air and sowing to the wind.

"A meteor, or falling star" is poetically and aesthetically pleasing, but unsuited to the prosaic and stern routine of daily life. Changes oreversals make for uncertainty.

"A finger pointing in an open book" rectifies experience through dramatized human wisdom. What one has suspected becomes confirmed through sensitiveness to the significance of all factors. What stands out is what is most pertinent.

"The germ grows into knowledge and life." And so it is sure that not everything "sown to the wind" was lost.  An invisible seed turns out to be "the philosopher's stone," "that sure core of immutable distinctiveness which actually constitutes self as such." Personal realization and self-consummation continue to unfold.

{Sunday} ^Unfoldment^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Leo

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