Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Message for Thursday 18 July 2024 ^Co-operative Wisdom^

Message for Thursday 18 July 2024

^Co-operative Wisdom^

Wednesday (as I write) is the first full day of a Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch, as already discussed. It's okay, but I forgot to do one important thing I always do on Tuesdays, and then forgot to turn on my WiFi in the morning. "Out of pattern" things like that will be happening in your life.

On Wednesday J D Vance will give his speech at the Republican convention. He's Leo, with moon in Libra, a personable combination. Let's hope he is a peacemaker, as is hinted in his correct perception that the Ukraine war is a very bad and suicidal drain on America's resources. But he has Mars in Scorpio square to Venus which shows he can be very assertive when need be. (A nuclear war or any approach to it is not assertive but suicidal.) Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Scorpio are three planets enthroned in their own signs, giving him basic competence. Nobody fools him.

Symbols for Thursday, the day of Trump's acceptance speech:

As the opposite, or complement, of Trump's Tower we have "a farmhouse between high mountains, with a yard entered by a white gate." Trump has many rural supporters hanging on his every word.

"Two cobblers working at a table," if Vance and Trump, suggest that they might solve down-to-earth problems, like the cobblers. Co-operative wisdom is enhanced capability. Who co-operates with you that way in your life?

"A very lofty pine tree" "denotes a noble person whose mind is swayed by grand aspirations and whose good influence will be felt beyond the limits of his neighborhood. His deeds speak louder than words." We all may emulate such a "tree" in our better moments.

If it's not the Republican Convention in Milwaukee it could be where you spend some time: "A fine chateau, with gardens and terraces. In the foreground a peacock in full feather struts leisurely." Perchance a major color of the peacock is orange? "One who will spend much upon mere show, and depend much upon appearances. There is pride, ostentation and snobbishness, yet good fortune in any sphere of life." 

{Thursday} ^Co-operative Wisdom^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius (where it was in DJT's birth-chart)

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