Thursday, July 25, 2024

Message for Friday 26 July 2024 ^Tangency^

Message for Friday 26 July 2024


Luna trine Venus all day is nice for a Friday, Venus's day. From Aries to Leo, it makes personality alive and flourishing. 

The symbols are not so sweet. "A wolf carrying away a lamb" is self-explanatory. There could be cunning, deception and cruelty.

"A man running in the face of a strong wind, making little headway. His garments fly in tatters behind him." Is that Donald running against wind from Kamala, an air sign (Libra)? Or vice versa, since D has Jupiter in Libra? Or poor Bobby Kennedy, the obviously best candidate, being canceled by the media, who refuse even to mention him?

You or someone you know may be self-afflicted by pride or obstinacy amounting almost to foolishness.

Is "a radical magazine" rightist, leftist, or neither? Something stirs deeply within ourselves, coming out with dramatic force, albeit at a tangent.

"A snake is coiled around a tree, its head raised ready to strike." Some are capable of elaborate researches, with patience and high intelligence. There could be jealousy, envy, or subtlety, yet moderate success.

The Venus aspect of the first paragraph should make everything better.

{Friday} ^Tangency^

Moon in Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:16p PT | 6:16p ET | 10:16p UT (that is the exact moon trine Venus aspect, which should keep up its shower of sweetness through the evening, perhaps in unplanned ways) (v-of-c continues till Saturday at 10:24a PT | 1:24p ET when Luna enters Taurus)

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