Sunday, July 21, 2024

Message for Monday 22 July 2024 }Prodigality{

Message for Monday 22 July 2024


Keep on high ground, the young man was told,

But he worked in a cellar and a falling stone

Narrowly missed his head. Then the fortune-

Teller said he should move south. There he


Works on a farm. A horse grazes near a broken

Wheel lying on the ground. There is laissez-faire

Drift, want of direction, aimlessness; yet sufficient 

Wealth. Eventually his desires mobilize him to 


Risk his own existence rather than thwart his

Passions. He develops apoplexy, which makes his

Creativity irresistible. And now he has all he needs,

So he shares his joy in worldly goods by becoming


A Santa Claus, furtively filling stockings of girls and

Boys, maintaining prodigal values in human hearts.


{Monday} {Prodigality}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius

(The forecast for Friday-Sunday continues to be relevant for long-terms trends)

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