Friday, July 26, 2024

Message for Week of July 27-August 3, 2024 ^Transitions^

Message for Week of July 27-August 3, 2024


The current Dark Hermetic Epoch began July 17 and ends September 12. The attempted assassination of July 13 ushered it in, followed by the uncertainty about Biden's status and the quick semi-extraordinary rise to power and popularity of Kamala Harris. Uncertainty and chaos are the earmarks of this period. You must be noting that in your personal life. 

Looking at major aspects of Venus we find that June 22 through July 26 was a period of love or friendship in a big way. This week that changes, with Venus's square to Uranus, bringing about discord in relationships because human differences which before were easily tolerated now seem annoying or painful. My advice: Take the long view. You have had good times with this person or these persons before, and that is likely to return. If you need a vacation from one another, that is temporary. It could be even harder August 17-31 when Venus and Mars are in a square. 

As foregular progress with career and personal projects, September 12 through November 6 will be a positive and hopeful period. That includes the election on November 5. I make no prediction about that but it seems likely that it will be contested in many places.

The coming week displays the strong and helpful sextile between Mars and the sun. This is an "I can do it" aspect. Communication plus competence make you feel you are on top of things even when there are delays opersonal pleasures are less than thrilling. 

Mercury is slowing down, turning retrograde late Sunday August 4. It is in Virgo the sign of its exaltation and so this doubles down on competence. All the /re/words are accented, such as reviewing and reorganizing. One wants to fix one's ordinary procedures to make them more effective, and in the process there is trial and error. This does not have to be depressing. "Unclutch and let go" is good advice when things seem unmanageably complicated. Utterly new projects may be premature, so it is wise to complete old ones first. For centuries astrologers have noted that the slow or backward Mercury periods often require us to take care of "old business."

A sublimated side of Venus squaring Uranus is appreciating the uniqueness of oneself and others rather than fretting over it. 

{Week of July 27-August 3} ^Transitions^

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 27: Moon in Aries-->Taurus

/moon is void-of-course

until it enters Taurus at 10:24a PT | 1:24p ET

Sunday 28: Moon in Taurus

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