Friday, July 12, 2024


Message for Saturday 13 July 2024


Asleep in the heat of the day, implements

Beside him, his lack of interest and energy,

His indolence, bring misfortune. Work, don't

Dream. A wave-line of nebulous light is obscured


By a cloud in its midst. An elastic and undeveloped

Mind, plus moral turpitude, thrust one into

Wandering obscurity. Yet despite humble parentage

Some rise above the plane of their birth. Sober


And plodding, not noticed in their youth, they demonstrate 

Innate courage and gain publicity. Is there also

Romance? A poetry of living and a music of desire?

Yes, as if a Spaniard were serenading his senorita. 


A constancy of yearning and self-giving coaxes

Depths of soul into reassuring experience.


{Saturday} {Constancy}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Libra 

< moon in the Via Combusta until Monday afternoon (not bad, but sometimes confusing while a "cosmic reshuffle" takes place)

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:50p PT | 6:50p ET

Both these indications at once suggest an evening of changing plans and "playing it by ear" 

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