Sunday, July 7, 2024

Message for Monday 8 July 2024 ^Emerging Guidance^

Message for Monday 8 July 2024

^Emerging Guidance^

It's the fourth day since a New Moon, early in the cycle, and much is indeterminate. Trump will not announce his VP pick for another week; Biden's and Harris's fate are hanging in the balance. "A New Moon, but only the smallest portion of it is to be seen in the western sky." All things are premature. Yet we can hope. Could the Kennedy campaign eventually acquire momentum?

"A well-conditioned heifer is standing to the plow." Some have a docile and tractable nature, willing to give patient service under the direction of others.  There can be patient effort.

"A hen is scratching for her chicks." Helping others can be instinctive, or it can be cultivated through ethical and spiritual instruction. Provisions are provided for us "chicks" by the Cosmic Hen who knows better than we what we need. 

"White dove over troubled waters" gives "clear direction and absolute orientation as a consequence of one's indwelling spirit or divine heritage. A genuine reason for being grants freedom of understanding plus strength." [paraphrased from Marc Edmund Jones, Sabian Symbols]

{Monday} ^Emerging Guidance^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Leo

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:05p PT | 1:05a(Tu) ET

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