Monday, July 29, 2024

Message for Tuesday 30 July 2024 }Assimilating Other-Reality{

Message for Tuesday 30 July 2024

}Assimilating Other-Reality{

Everyone seems to agree that the election in Venezuela was fixed (Madura vs. Gonzalez), voters are very angry and the OAS may take action to amend things. Fires in California are devastating. In Ukraine, losses are enormous and negotiations are desperately needed while our President seems incapacitated and locked into the delusion that he can defeat Putin without precipitating nuclear war, while also using the last months of his term in office to attack the Supreme Court like a Don Quixote. We are in the Dark Hermetic Epoch of July 17-Septmber 11. Your personal life does not have to be utterly chaotic if you take time to meet reversals and delays with equanimity while maintaining prayerful equipoise. 

Symbols for Tuesday:

"A bomb exploding in mid-air" denotes something pernicious, a pest or something pestilent. Charubel says it "resembles a bad mix of Saturn and Mars," the two malefic (or difficult) planets. This is reflected in the square today of the moon with Saturn plus the square between Mercury and Mars from July 22 through 30 (today). Annoyances need to be worked out without explosive anger. 

"A man felling a tree" does not dislike the tree but is using it to provide current necessaries. This rustic worker appreciates the wild habits of the woodland life and is unambitious, of large sympathies and warm feelings. His manners are harsh but his heart soft.

We met the "elephant with his castle on his back" yesterday. He has cool courage while defending the weak, and is endowed with sagacity. (Each of the politicians wants you to believe that he or she is that "elephant." Who is it really?)

"An old-fashioned well" is where all meet to share community life, get necessities, and be themselves while entering into relationship with others,  assimilating other-reality into their own. All expend themselves in the process of continuing to be. The keyword is Recompense.

{Tuesday} {Assimilating Other-Reality}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues, at its peak tonight, ending early Thursday

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