Sunday, July 14, 2024

Message for Monday 15 July 2024 ~Trump Tornado~

Message for Monday 15 July 2024

~Trump Tornado~

On Saturday afternoon I knew that the moon was going to be void-of-course at 3:50 pm my time, thanks to my own forecast posted here, and I knew that the moon was in the Via Combusta (Burning Way) all day (also pointed out in the forecast). I felt very weary and lay down; I also felt a deep need to pray for the world and for peace. I fell into a deep slumber. I woke up at 3:51p PT and realized that the moon had just gone void-of-course. I turned on my phone and saw immediately the news of the Trump assassination attempt. It happened at 3:11p PT | 6:11p ET. 

Were I and other psychically sensitive individuals subconsciously preventing something worse from happening, through prayer and invisible influence? Maybe. Then I looked at the daily chart for Gemini, Trump's sun-sign, and saw Saturn in the 1st sector of basic health and bodily well-being. This time, that was a definite threat, probably because Jupiter in Gemini is beginning to square Saturn in Pisces for the next year and more. I mentioned this a few days ago as a "karmic" aspect which asks us to shape up. After Trump was shot he was in a kneeling posture for a few seconds; there is an amazing photo of his face as if he were praying. He also asked the Secret Service people around him for his shoes. I do not know what that means unless he had them off while speaking. Pisces rules the feet and footwear.

In Trump's birth chart, Mars at 26 Leo is three degrees or less from the ascendant, making it very strong, and in Leo it heightens drama. For the last week and most of the next, the two very harsh (when joined) planets Mars and Uranus are at the end of Taurus squared to Trump's Mars. Of course this would be violence, or at least the threat of it. To be explicit, on Saturday at the time of the attack Mars was 1 degree and 26 minutes of arc from exactly squire T's Mars; Uranus was a mere 31 minutes of arc from an exact square with the T Mars. A powerful and once-in-a-lifetime configuration. Moreover, in anatomical astrology Taurus is the sign of not only the neck but the ears. The red planet Mars can be bloodshed. 

I seem to be the only astrologer anywhere who works with the remarkably revealing degree-symbols discovered by old clairvoyants. Let's look at the one for Mars's location in Trump's birth-chart (26 Leo, given as Leo 27 in the books). Here it is in the Borelli-Sepharial version:

"A dagger. This is an ominous sign! It may mean danger to the native at the hands of an enemy, or yet more unhappily, the reverse of this. The native will certainly be of a quarrelsome, argumentative nature; given over to impulsive actions. A restless and destructive mind, always on the alert to attack, to oppose, to argue. Very executive, but by no means constructive in disposition, and hence liable to go through life like a tornado, remarked but not esteemed." (Written before 1898)

This is of course the way "never Trump" people see him. But one position of one planet does not determine everything about a man. And further, the same degree has a far happier interpretation in the later Sabian Symbols: "Daybreak. No matter what may be the course of events in their over-all unpredictability, there is always dawn or springtime as the promise of resurgence or a new potential. Reality is ever a beginning in the sense of the immediacy it offers the individual. The keyword is Genesis. When negative, it is wishful thinking and satisfaction in a vague tomorrow. When positive, an untiring capture and recapture of life throughout the constant and confusing shifts of being." 

That sounds like Trump's indefatigable optimism throughout all the lawfare attacks directed at him over the years. And Daybreak is the vision he offers to his adherents. 

It is all very interesting.

Now he has the stage again for this week's Republican convention. 

We can look at other symbols in his chart, and in Biden's or Harris's or Kennedy's, in coming weeks.

{Monday} ~Trump Tornado~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

< moon leaves the Via Combusta at 1:34p PT | 4:34p ET

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