Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Message for Wednesday 17 July 2024 ^Hiatus^

Message for Wednesday 17 July 2024


The new Dark (Slow) Hermetic Epoch of two months (until September 12) begins Tuesday July 16 at about 8:55p PT | 11:55p ET | 3:55a(W) UT. I am feeling it already a few hours before it begins. There are conspiracy hypotheses galore about what really happened on 7/13 with the attempted assassination and the peculiar failure of the SS and the local police to do something to prevent what many spectators saw unfolding for several minutes. "There's a man with a gun over there." "Okay, we'll do nothing." And so on. 

JD Vance, the VP pick Trump announced Monday, seems to have more good than bad qualities, at first glance. In the birthday-playing card system many use (I find it remarkably suggestive) Vance's birthday, August 2, is the Jack of Diamonds. JD, get it? Remarkable, unless JD's parents knew this system and named him in accord with it. There are only 8 Jack of Diamond days in the year; another is July 4, so that the U. S. is a Jack of Diamonds nation. Well, our dollar is the favored international currency. Trump is a 3 of Diamonds. The authors of books about the system say that one with a small-card birthday has the option, by aspiration and effort, to rise to the level of the Jack, Queen or King of the same suit. It's obvious that Trump has been working on becoming the King of Diamonds his whole life. Now he is installing a Jack of Diamonds named JD to be his successor. Is this not surreal? Are we in a playing-card matrix or simulation? 

Barack Obama is a 9 of Diamonds; Bobby Kennedy a 10 of that suit. This week, Vance will give his vice-presidential candidate speech on Wednesday July 17, a Jack of Clubs day. 

Strange things seem to be happening, and NO ONE I know of is claiming credibly to know where we shall be by November or January after this incredibly complex election campaign. My advice to myself and to you is, go easy with new or unexpected projects or adventures between now and September 13. Not only yourself but all involved in your activities or deliberations are likely to be uncertain or confused at some level. 

Further, as I have pointed out twice so far, the square of Jupiter with Saturn over the next year is testing our ethics, perhaps our very souls. We need to "square" ourselves with G*d. Many are feeling this regardless of theireligious or spiritual orientation or absence thereof.

And so for the next 8 weeks it is not entirely an "escape" to spend extra time resting or doing spiritual study plus prayer. It could be very healthy indeed. 

{Wednesday} ^Hiatus^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Friday morning (Not everything is as bad as it seems, and facing it honestly makes it better.)

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