Thursday, July 4, 2024

Message for Friday 5 July 2024 ~The True Ruler~

Message for Friday 5 July 2024

~The True Ruler~

In wind, clouds and haste, divine aplomb

Is exalted. The ego holds its course through

Superficial excitement with a spiritual

Lightness. Control sought in moments of


Crisis could come through watchfulness rather than

Hard work. On a throne a dog lies 

Asleep. He usurped a worthy king through 

Charlatanry. A large ball of fire comes flying 


Through the air. Thus arrives the true ruler,

With an extraordinary mission; an intellectual,

Moral, physical giant. Observing this wonder,

A man stands on a mountain, staff in hand,


The setting sun showing his figure in relief.

Triumphing over all, his life is elevated.


{Friday} ~The True Ruler~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer

New Moon of Cancer is exact at 3:59p PT | 6:59p ET | 10:59p UT

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