Sunday, June 30, 2024

Message for Monday 1 July 2024 \The Inimitable/

Message for Monday 1 July 2024

\The Inimitable/

The swords and the torches battle each other.

Necessity and desire conflict compulsively.

Resolution comes through magic understanding.

A man driving a bull and an ox is


Pecuniary, dealing in pecos, cattle. Is there

A bull market? How long? Prosperity arrives.

It seems that a clown making grimaces

Is seriously commenting on human foibles,


Exaggerating human nature inimitably.

The ridiculous stimulates self-realization.

The escutcheon of a noble family contains a harp

And a gauntlet, showing aptitude in both musical


And military worlds. Gentleness and irritability,

Playfulness and gravity, evince unique character.


{Monday} /The Inimitable\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Taurus 


Friday, June 28, 2024

Message for Week of June 29 - July 6, 2024 ~Warless World-Destiny~

Message for Week of June 29 - July 6, 2024

~Warless World-Destiny~

At the personal level, the good news is that Venus remains in a harmonious sextile with Mars throughout this holiday week. Romance and friendship. Both are also in good aspects with Saturn, making for loyalty among family and friends. 

Let's look at some of the symbols for the week as applied to the sun-sign charts of Biden, Scorpio; Trump, Gemini; and Kennedy, Capricorn.

Saturn in the first house for Biden suggests age and aa symbol is "an angel blowing a trumpet." A TRUMPet? "The Great Stone Face" is sculpted into the side of a mountain. Time for Biden to take his place in history?  But these two symbols appear in the 10th house of career for Gemini, Trump. He wants us to believe that his Trumpet is being blown by an angel. He thinks he is worthy of Mount Rushmore. 

There is nothing in Biden's (Scorpio's) 10th house of career, but in Trump's (Gemini's) we have, in addition to the two just mentioned, "a hand flexed with a very prominent thumb," keyword Determination, and "a king, emperor or commander on horseback." This is someone destined to command rather than obey. That is certainly what he thinks about himself.

In the first house for Kennedy, Capricorn, we have "a hollow tree trunk covered with moss; this is a romantic degree indicating someone who may be the last of his race." The third Kennedy aspiring to the presidency. I believe he could be, further, "a large star indicating a great genius whose home is the Western Hemisphere. The surrounding sky is dark" and Kennedy is in fact the only candidate who is brilliantly informed about history, medicine, the environment, crypto and blockchain, farming, and a multitude of other subjects a President should know. 

The symbols of the week are, of course for anyone who wishes to embody them. Are you "an elephant with sagacity, secrecy, and confidence in [your] own strength"? Or are you "an empty space," very weak and open to extraneous influences of any kind? Or you could be "a veiled statue," a student of what is great and lofty, fired with enthusiasm and vivid imagination. Then you could experience "the gradual unfoldment of the sublime and the glorious." 

"A fine silver thread is suspended to the earth from a labyrinth situated in the heavens." With patience, we could solve enigmatical problems or conundrums, solving the theorem of warless world-destiny.

Hovering over us, during the celebration of our nation's birth, is that "Great Stone Face" of our national ideals carved into our "purple mountain's majesty." May we be on our way to exemplifying it.

{Week of June 29 - July 6, 2024} ~Warless World-Destiny~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 29: Moon in Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:58p PT | 12:58a(Su) ET | 4:58a(Su) UT

Sunday 30: Moon in Aries and void-of-course (time above) until it enters Taurus at 5:01a PT | 8:01a ET | 12:01p PT

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Message for Friday 28 June 2024 ^Rakish Charlatan^

Message for Friday 28 June 2024

^Rakish Charlatan^

A man muffled up, with a rakish silk hat,

Dramatizes himself in a sophisticated way

With the superb aplomb of recaptured youth.

But some young people attracted to him


Seem like doves fallen to the ground, over them

A snake poised in an attitude of attack.

Secret attachments lead toward seduction. 

On the cushion of a throne, a dog lies asleep.


He holds offices for which he is not by nature

Qualified, a usurper and charlatan; spiteful.

Yet he is drawn to the spiritual life, however he

Might misconceive it. He attends churches highly


Ornate, with their feasts, fasts and festivals.

One day he may merit the priesthood he mimes.


{Friday} ^Rakish Charlatan^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

Moon enters Aries at 1:53a PT | 4:53a ET

it is in Pisces before that, and void-of-course for only 7 minutes before entering Aries

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Message for Thursday 27 June 2024 ~From Fretfulness to Colorful Success~

Message for Thursday 27 June 2024

~From Fretfulness to Colorful Success~

As I write on Wednesday I am feeling the |karmic third| of this week as a lack of enthusiasm. This should reach its dismal peak Thursday morning and perhaps be slightly better at the time of the debate, 6p PT | 9p ET, then gone by Friday morning. The Kennedy campaign is going to try to do a "simulcast" of the CNN debate, but not quite "simul" because they will pause it after each reply by T and B to allow Kennedy to reply also. I hope that works out well. 9 pm ET, 6 pm PT, 

Symbols to say the unsayable:


Toys, and ornaments of glass and tinsel, are

Artificial, as is their owner, whose fretful and

Peevish disposition creates misery all around

Him. He might better go to the beach, where


Shellfish are groping and children are playing.

Self-discovery is the emergence of selfhood's

Liberating evolutionary self-sufficiency.  

Suspended from a bough is one large, ripe, 


Nicely-tinted apple, no other on the tree. 

One individual stands out, with no compeer.

Over a bunch of spring flowers is set a bright

Star, flashing and sparkling in a deep blue


Atmosphere. Success comes to one marrying into

An illustrious family devoted to nature and art.


{Thursday} ~From Fretfulness to Colorful Success~

Cosmic Piper

 Moon in Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak near 7:30a PT | 10:30a ET, lasting until Friday morning

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Message for Wednesday 26 June 2024 ~Firmness of Character~

Message for Wednesday 26 June 2024

~Firmness of Character~

"A dagger lying beside a skull" could unhappily indicate what is going on in the world's war-weary trouble-spots. Or it could reflect anticipations of the "presidential" debates planned for tomorrow, Thursday. I'll be watching here: so I can hear what Bobby Kennedy has to say. He is the most informed, intelligent, and honest candidate. Sepharial says: "This person (us) will have to hold his passions in strong check or some fatality will surely come upon him." The keyword is Undoing. 

"A large building having a dull or somber appearance" indicates someone who will do a great deed which will be remembered, and will live to a ripe old age. Firmness of character. 

"A large tract of land mapped out and enclosed with posts and rails, intended for a farm and homestead in the near future" was a symbol included in the weekly sonnet. One has boundless resources and so can be an adventurer, accomplishing what one has proposed in speculation.

"Shellfish groping and children playing" is a symbol of Emergence. "On each separate level of being, the lower orders are preserved and the higher ones developed." "Self-discovery is the basic mode of greatereality."

{Wednesday} ~Firmness of Character~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week| is with us, at its peak Thursday morning and ending Friday morning

Monday, June 24, 2024

Message for Tuesday 25 June 2024 }Competence as Reward{

Message for Tuesday 25 June 2024

}Competence as Reward{

The major lunar aspect of the day, a square with Uranus, is impatient, and the symbols for the day concur.

A stranded vessel on a low, sandy beach is a sign of delays, yet there is no serious injury and so a new start is possible.

A bull tossing a man with its horns is on the defensive but also on the aggressive. His motto is, "What I can get is mine." We see this in warfare and politics.

An automobile wrecked by a train is not an inevitable happening because the driver if sufficiently cautious could prevent the accident. 

A man handling baggage is industrious and practical, helping others who are making adjustments in their living situations or travels. Competence is its own reward. There is joy in putting forth everyday effort.

{Tuesday} {Competence as Reward}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:31p PT | 6:31p ET | 10:31p UT

until it enters Pisces at 11:09p PT | 2:09a(W) ET 6:09a(W) UT

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Message for Monday 24 June 2024 }Worthy Choices{

Message for Monday 24 June 2024

}Worthy Choices{

Out of blankness nothing comes. Yet slowly

Geometric figures form, a square, then four

Squares. The source of things, and things, are

Mysterious. A mouse takes one square; a cat


Takes three. They argue. Can the mouse prevail?

Their mind-sets are foreign to each other, seeking

Justification. Out on the street, window-shoppers

Imagine what they could have, which really is


What they could be. Visualizing potentials

Quickens self-awareness and awakens choices.

It's summer. Around the roots of a wide-spreading

Oak are many new shoots. Above, birds


Sing in its branches. It gives shelter and

Comfort to kindred and strangers. Esteemed!


{Monday} {Worthy Choices}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius

Friday, June 21, 2024

Message for Week of June 22-29, 2024 ~Self-Discovery~

Message for Week of June 22-29, 2024


The ascendant is enveloped in gloom and blackness,

But devoting energies to spirituality brings comfort.

Wandering in circles, some lives resemble helical

Scrolls. Projects and imaginings lead back to themselves.


One whose life resembles a large granite building

Does great deeds handed down to posterity, and lives 

Long. Another sits at a desk and writes in a large

Ledger. His commercial pursuits are practical.


Out by the seashore, shellfish are groping and children

Playing. What emerges? Self-discovery. 

A table is set for an evening meal. Familia

Gratifications open out to revealing potentials.


Through a living apostolic succession, all

Seek illumination via self-dedication.


{Week of June 22-29} ~Self-Discovery~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 22: Moon in Capricorn

Sunday 23: Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius

Moon enters Aquarius at 8:15p PT | 11:15p ET | 3:15a(M) UT 

/ moon void-of-course for just 8 minutes before that

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Message for Friday 21 June 2024 ^Seasonal Beauty^

 Message for Friday 21 June 2024

^Seasonal Beauty^

In a greenhouse a man with a watering-can endeavors

To bring out the best in flowering shrubs. He devotes

Time and energy to culture their ineffable beauty.

A bulbous plant pushes its way upward from beneath


The sod, impelled by soul-force to show forth its

Beauty. The life-force in humans like it manifests

Strong will, a determination to be magnetic.

A woman in gaudy apparel, playing with jewels in her


Lap, is wasteful and extravagant yet gifted with savoir

Faire. She knows human nature and is good-hearted

Even if prone to outward show and semblances.

In time she becomes concerned about the extreme


Needs of others, and enlists to become a Red Cross

Nurse. She purchases toys fothe children's ward.


{Friday} ^Seasonal Beauty^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until 11:51p PT | 2:51a(Sa) ET | 6:51a(Sa) UT

/moon enters Capricorn at 4:10p PT | 7:10p ET, and is / void-of-course fojust 11 minutes before that

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Message for Thursday 20 June 2024 ^Sharing Secrets^

Message for Thursday 20 June 2024

^Sharing Secrets^

Loving and confiding, she is like a young tree, a

Sapling, bent by misplaced trust, growing awry.

Unaware of human weaknesses, she leans and is

Betrayed. But her consciousness of time is sharp.


She studies a large clock on a high place, with weights

Suspended, to gain a sense of how things develop.

She sees into cause and effect and now knows the

Secrets people hide from themselves. She publishes


Some of these, as if a bell clanged them out from

Her high boughs. Is she defaming people? Maybe

She's airing things out. Some friends who appreciate

Her sharing, as winter sets in, decorate her boughs


To make her a living Christmas tree. All symbolize

All and enjoyment becomes vicariously spiritual.


{Thursday} ^Sharing Secrets^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak about 9p PT | 12a(F) ET, and continues until early Saturday

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Message for Wednesday 19 June 2024 ^Adventure^

 Message for Wednesday 19 June 2024


"The good things of life" are not denied, yet have

Theirepercussions. The remnants of a feast betray

Sensuality, though extravagance was mixed with 

Camaraderie. Failing to be careful of the company


One keeps could lead to disaster, for executions,

Sadly, do not always befall the guilty. There is

No snow yet a sleigh is waiting for support of a

Smooth glide. Defeat is not enjoined, for greater


Possibilities hide in nature's prodigality. Chee

Within frustration summons sustainment. Rather than

Snow, here is a tract of land, mapped out,

Enclosed with rails, intended for a farm and homestead.


Boundless resources and successful speculations

Are the lot of the savvy adventurer. Voila!


{Wednesday} ^Adventure^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:20a PT | 12:20p ET until it enters Sagittarius at 9:33a PT | 12:33p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 5:38p PT | 8:38p ET (until Saturday, with the peak Thursday evening)

Monday, June 17, 2024

Message for Tuesday 18 June 2024 ~Mockingbird~

Message for Tuesday 18 June 2024


A sleigh without snow is unseasonal,

Yet imagination supplies sustainment for prodigal 

Realities, alignment with unrealized possibilities.

A woman sitting with clothes disordered and hair


Unkempt is holding faded flowers, among them

Lilies and roses. Strong feelings plus a weak will

End in spoliation. She gazes on what seems 

The invisible side of the moon, and develops


Powers unknown to ordinary humans. As a 

Moon-set magician she is not insane, yet very

Strange. Don't try to understand her. 

Rather, open your doors and listen with her for


The first mockingbird in spring, whose imitation 

Is vicarious participation in self-revelation. 


{Tuesday} ~Mockingbird~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Message for Monday 17 June ~Fruitfulness~

Message for Monday 17 June 2024


A man declared bankrupt is seeking new paths

Of opportunity. Affairs at a point of futility are

Ripe for deliverance. Relationships shall converge

In smoother patterns. The Samaritan woman who met


Jesus at a well had an instinct for higher things 

Than a dissipated life. He awakened her to the value

Of striving for them unpretentiously.

She invited her townspeople to hear the Master, 


As if watering flowering shrubs, awakening in

Them the spiritual beauty they thinly veiled. 

Summer is here. A fruited vine hangs upon

An old wall beneath the sunshine. Sympathies


And strong attachments flourish, with good marriages,

Lasting loyalties, devotion, contentment, fruitfulness.


{Monday} ~Fruitfulness~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

< moon remains in the Via Combusta

Friday, June 14, 2024

Message for Week of June 15-22, 2024 }Speculation{

Message for Week of June 15-22, 2024


Many years ago I decided that the week begins on Saturday rather than Sunday. I have developed weekly charts on that basis. Now it seems to me that Saturday is a transition day partaking of the nature of both weeks. 

This coming week is smoother than the last several, which I have labeled "ordeals." The heavy squares to Saturn are replaced by heavy squares to Neptune, which are more congenial. The downside is that they correlate to escapism, whether drugs or alcohol or watching TV or movies or various dissipations. The up side is that they can confer spiritual awareness, even to the level of saintliness or angelhood. It is good to read scriptures and other spiritual writings and to pray and meditate. 

The harmonious, romantic sextile between Venus and Mars increases through the week. At the least this makes for greater friendliness. It is also good for prosperity.

A sonnet incorporating symbols from the week's chart:


Interminable quarreling with the nature of things?

Cat arguing with mouse? Trying for

Justification? There is hope for peace. Two swords

Form a cross on the ground; a man stands on them


Lifting a scepter toward a higher power. 

Another man of middle age watches over a 

Cradle, repining because he cannot totally 

Relieve another's suffering. Yet he owns a tract


Of land mapped with rails for a homestead. His

Speculation shall be successful, even to the point of

Drilling for oil and finding it. Risk opens 

New dimensions. Near his land on a beach


Bathing beauties disport themselves, radiant among

Their fellow humans. Desire sublimates to charm.


{Week of June 15-22} {Speculation}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 15: Moon in Libra

< moon enters the Via Combusta at 5:37p PT | 8:37p ET, until early Tuesday (cosmic reshuffling period; remain unruffled)

Sunday 16: Moon in Libra-->Scorpio

< moon remains in Via Combusta 

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:06 PT | 2:06a(M) ET

until it enters Scorpio at 11:39p PT | 2:39a(M) ET

Next week, the |Karmically heavy third| begins Wednesday evening and lasts through Friday

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Message for Friday 14 June 2024 }Cultivation{

Message for Friday 14 June 2024


As a boy he played with balloons, injecting into them his

Breath or pumping them with helium. Later he ascended 

Under big ones in an attached basket. Remarkable

Feats, but summing to nothing, as he realized when


He saw his mother weeping at the open grave of his

Father. Life's transience requisitioned a 

Reorientation. He happened upon an old book

Lying on a table, beside it a burning lamp. 


Through close study in retirement he cultivated

His mind with treasures of ancient learning. Then

A cultivated tract of land fell to his lot, broad 

And open, reflecting his own geniality in rustic 


Beauty. Balloon-like space travel faded against the

Fruitfulness of a large family and plentiful friends.


{Friday} {Cultivation}

Cosmic Piper

On Thursday I see photos of people in south Florida wading through waist-deep flood waters. As diligently reported here, Wednesday through Friday are the |karmically difficult third| of this week, at its peak Thursday. As mentioned often, this frequently coincides with inclement weather. If not physically, then emotionally.

Moon in Virgo-->Libra

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:55a PT | 1:55p ET until it enters Libra at 11:13a PT | 2:13p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 11:54p PT | 2:54a(Sa) ET

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Message for Thursday 13 June 2024 \Faith/

Message for Thursday 13 June 2024



A despondent man stands on a lonely plain,

Weeping. Lacking energy and moral courage,

He has given up the struggle of life. But several

Young men enter the scene, disputing with one


Another: Jealous, revengeful, quarrelsome.

Some with cudgels try to impress their opinions

Bodily. The lonely man is aroused. He walks and

Encounters a deer, who somehow reminds him of


A person with fine sensibilities, a lover of art and

Scientific research. Calm perspective and mild

Optimism are restored. Now above the trees

Appears a rainbow. His eyes follow its curve 


To the ground where there seems to be a pot

Of gold supplied by the universal matrix, faith.


Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of his week is at its peak around 1 p.m. PT | 4 p.m. ET, continuing until Friday evening 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Message for Monday 10 June 2024 ^Overcoming Ordeal, Continued^

 Message for Wednesday 12 June 2024

^Overcoming Ordeal, Continued^

I am weary. I recommended the Monday report to people, Overcoming Ordeal, because it encapsulated important observations about the current week. Then I re-read it, just now, and see that I made a major typo which is corrected in the following re-post. 

I don't like the word or the notion "ordeal" but it seems to me that most of us have been facing one or more ordeals during the past couple weeks, and it's likely that they continue this week but should be easier to bear.

Why? Ask the Supreme; but the only answer I understand is that we are being taught as gently as possible by the cosmos to learn things we haven't learned yet. This may look like cruelty but really isn't, just as a test to a school-child may seem cruel but is really designed to help the child learn something essential. 

A friend told me today that he has been going through an ordeal with a friend which has made him feel hostile toward him so that he is fighting to contain that feeling and "just stay away from" that individual. The latter's ordeal of course is also intense which is why he is "acting out" in ways which upset my own friend. 

In astrology, what we are facing is the three planets Mercury, Sol, and Venus all square to SATURN (corrected) from Gemini to Pisces. That latter sign can rule drugs, which is part of the problem of my friend's friend. In my case, on Friday I was in a bar and after paying left it to go grocery shopping, only to find at the store that I had left my card on the table at the bar. Oy vey. I paid for the groceries, took them home, and went back to the bar to recover my card and have a cup of coffee to celebrate the end of that particular ordeal. 

Credit cards are Gemini phenomena; alcohol is a Pisces phenomenon; so it's easy to see that this "ordeal" reflected the current big triple-square. For you, it could also be problems with paperwork or writing, neighbors, relatives, and so on. It could be failed communications. Pisces rules the feet and someone kindly just sent me a pair of cool-looking sneakers, but they don't fit me. And so on

The heating system in my apartment has been bollixed up. This morning when I absolutely did not need it, it came on at 4:23 a.m. and continued until 9:30. I had windows open to "heat the outdoors." Last week a workman came twice to fix the problem, but failed. By the grace of G*d and His solar system it seems okay for now. Saturn is usually involved big-time whenever there are problems with either too much heat or too little. In the winter, cold waves; in the summer, heat waves. I understand the latter have been occurring in many places, but not in Seattle, so the cosmos had to figure out some way to make me hot and it did it by means of a kaflunky heating system. Oy vey again.

The other harsh aspect right now is Mars square Pluto. We learn what it means by seeing what happens when it occurs, and it was EXACT on October 7 and 8 which was the horrible attack by Hamas on Israelis. Mars at its worst can be violence, as can Pluto, and the latter is also sexuality, and rape was included in the horror of those days. Now, Mars and Pluto are squared again; by an orb of five degrees, June 4-17. That includes the well-executed rescue of four Israeli hostages, although with complaints that in the operation dozens, or maybe scores (wartime casualty numbers are often distorted for propaganda purposes) of Gazans were killed. Mars and Pluto also have a lot to do with heat and plumbing, thus my household heating problem (steam heat). As for the ill-advised Ukraine conflict, both Biden and Putin have warned of using nuclear weapons. The end of the human race for the sake of ending the tiff of two crazy old men? You explain that to me, but Pluto is involved with nuclear power and weapons, and rules Scorpio, Biden's sign. Is he secretly suicidal? For our sake, I hope not.

Let's conclude with good news: Venus and Mars are beginning a sextile aspect this week. It continues, by a ten-degree orb, through July 18. Love? Yes. Romance? Probably. Friendliness? Definitely. 

Previously I have said that June 15 through July 16 could be the happiest month of the summer. This week is gradually leading up to that. We can be patient.

A QUICK VIEW OF SYMBOLS FOR TUESDAY: A man is standing on a barren plain, weeping. Then he gets lost in a snow-storm. He finds his way to a cabin with an old book on a table and a burning lamp. The book restores his hopes, and the next day he walks out of the cabin to find steps up to a lawn blooming with clover. 

{Wednesday} ^Overcoming Ordeal, Continued^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week covers today and Thursday until late Friday evening